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A PoemJohn Culjak의 지식창고 2018.04.22. 14:17 (2018.04.21. 16:40)

A Poem by John Culjak

What do you fear?
my sweet, white, racist friend
you do not fear
all that I print and send
do you shake in fear
at the voice of black and brown?
does colour cause you fear
or is it the words and sound?
Just what is it that you fear?
Listen to your fear
my sweet, white, racist friend
yellow red brown and black
all belong in a primitive shack
you don’t express your fear
my sweet, white, racist friend
you hide it rolled in a carpet
smiling sweetly like a puppet
Just what is it that you fear?
Is it your loss that you fear
my sweet, white, racist friend?
just what do you fear you lost?
nothing gained at all cost
the loss of power is what you fear?
Is that so, sweet, white, racist friend?
It is not me you fear for sure
I am as white as you and just as pure
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페이지 최종 수정일: 2017년 10월 25일