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키워드 :
Trust in Me
(보기 : 일자별구성)
(A) 지식 자료
about Deception
추천 : 0
(2018.04.22. 13:56) 
◈ Preface
The play was performed for the first time at Café La Mama, experimental theatre club, in New York City on October 6, 1966. The author directed the play.
목   차
The Resurrection of Phillip Jerome Michaels:
How Can I Rest in Peace?
A play in one act
By John Culjak
The play was performed for the first time at Café La Mama, experimental theatre club, in New York City on October 6, 1966. The author directed the play.

1. The cast was as follows:

Philip …………………….. Allan Garfield

2. Characters

Phillip Jerome Michaels
【저작】 Deception
• Script
• Preface
• Script
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