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◈ Anglo-Japanese Alliance ◈
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제1차 영·일 동맹

At this time Britain was not on friendly terms with Russia, France or Germany . Indeed, she had growing apprehensions about an apparent increasing Russian influence in the Far East as well as about the very real French advances in West Africa and the developing naval strength of Germany.Moreover, Japan (already a developing imperial power in Asia since her defeatof China in 1895) had watched with anger the menace of Russian encroachments in northern China and her seizure of the warm water port of Port Arthur in1887 which seemed directed against Japan's influence in Korea. Thus both Japan and Britain found common interest in containing Russia. This was arather significant treaty for it demonstrated in a sense Britain's departure from her long held policy of "splendid isolation" from international treaty entanglements. Under terms of the treaty, Japan's dominant interest in Korea was recognized and Britain undertook to remain neutral if Japan found herself at war with Russia (as she was soon to be) and, additionally, would intervene on her behalf if a second power (i.e., France) were to come to Russia's aid.The treaty was to run for five years and was renewable.
목   차

1. Article 1.

The High Contracting parties, having mutually recognized the independence of China and Korea, declare themselves to be entirely uninfluenced by aggressive tendencies in either country. having in view, however, their special interests, of which those of Great Britain relate principally to China, whilst Japan, in addition to the interests which she possesses in China, is interested in a peculiar degree, politically as well as commercially and industrially in Korea, the High Contracting parties recognize that it will be admissable for either of them to take such measures as may be indispensable in order to safeguard those interests if threatened either by the aggressive action of any other Power, or by disturbances arising in China or Korea, and necessitating the intervention of either of the High Contracting parties for the protection of the lives and properties of its subjects.

2. Article 2.

Declaration of neutrality if either signatory becomes involved in war through Article 1.

3. Article 3.

Promise of support if either signatory becomes involved in war with more than one Power.

4. Article 4.

Signatories promise not to enter into separate agreements with other Powers to the prejudice of this alliance.

5. Article 5.

The signatories promise to communicate frankly and fully with each other when any of the interests affected by this treaty are in jeopardy.

6. Article 6.

Treaty to remain in force for five years and then at one years notice, unless notice was given at the end of the fourth year.
【원문】제1차 영·일 동맹
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  # 제1차 영·일 동맹 [제목]
  1902년 [발표]
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◈ Anglo-Japanese Alliance ◈
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