1st. Thursday. Cloudy―Mild.
Seoul home. Bishop and Mrs. Welch invited Drs. Ryang, Cynn, and me to a lunch at the Chosen Hotel. Their daughter, Miss Eleanor seems to be an intelligent and amiable young woman.
The Committee on the East Gate Hospital question met at the Gray House from 3 to 5 p.m. Dr. Bock(?) who has charge of the Hospital and Dr. Ahn 安 and Miss Roberts were invited to express their opinions. Dr. B. who is very unpopular among the Koreans in the hospital is a strong advocate of uniting with Severance. Dr. Ahn and Miss R. are strong in their stand for continuing the East Gate Hospital as a maternity hospital. The Committee voted in favor of continuing the hospital as it has been in the past.
2nd. Friday. Snow. Mild.
Snow all day long. The biggest snow seen in Seoul for years―I guess. But for the fact that the snow melted as soon as it touched the ground we would have had snow at least a foot thick.
Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Welch, when asked her opinion about uniting the East Gate Hospital with the Severance Hospital, said: "I favor giving the East Gate Hospital just one more chance for a year. I don't know why, but everytime I go into the Severance Hospital I have a chill all over me".
3rd. Saturday. Bright.
Seoul home. Hyon Dong Wan tells me that he boldly asked Pak In Duk, face to face, not to come to the Central Y. everyday to be closeted with Cynn. He told her that her coming to the Y. twice a day to see Cynn was detrimental to the interests of the Central Y; to the reputation of Cynn and of herself. This was three days ago. Hyon certainly did a brave thing. Hyon says there is nothing doing in the Central Y. Many of the young "Jik-Wons" 職員 waste whole morning in the billiard room of the Lily Garden, because they know that Cynn who spends so much time with P.I.D. has no face to enforce discipline.
Cable from N.Y. telling Barnhart to stay.
4th. Sunday. Bright. Cold.
Miss Im Yung Sin(任永信) who had recently returned from Los Angeles came to see us 3 p.m. Her father is an elder in Kum San(錦山) Presbyterian Church. Three of her brothers are in Los Angeles. Her youngest brother graduated from the Severance Medical College four years ago. He spent three years in the Medical School of Bercley University in California. He has opened a hospital in Tai-Jun(大田) . His sister who seems to be a sensible girl, wants to get out Grace(恩姬) for her brother. Was agreeably surprized to see our 恩姬 listening to the proposal with favor.
5th. Monday. Bright. Very cold.
Seoul home. Went to the Folk High School 農民修養所 1 p.m. to take picture with the boys who have been attending the school for the last three months. One remarkable phenomenon out there is that a cat, a dog, a goat live and sleep in peace with lots of chickens.
7:30 went to the Chosen Hotel with wife and our 恩姬 at the invitation of Miss Im Y.S. to supper with her and her brother Dr. Im Tai Hui 任泰熙. I was struck with the coarseness of his features, and vulgarity of his manners. A gem may be found in an unattractive package. But one's exterior fairly reflects his interior qualities. Our Grace seemed to be disappointed.
6th. Tuesday. Bright and cold.
Today being cousin 李眞相's birthday, I took lunch at his home. He says living in Seoul is far more expensive than living in the country. He wants to return to his country home in On Yang, but his son doesn't want to leave Seoul.
From 5:30 to 9 p.m. I entertained about 30 young men―graduates from the Anglo-Korean School and the Song Do Higher Common School―to a sukiyaki supper at Tai Su Kwan(大西館) . Whang Jai Kyong 黃材景 is a genious in musical line. He plays 13 different instruments. His mimicrying the peculialities of other people is simply wonderful. I am afraid he will make a poor theologue.
7th. Wednesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. To the Seoul Station to see Bishop and Mrs. Welch leave for China. The presence of such man as Bishop Welch in Korea does much good to the Church. As the train pulled out at 12:40 all those who came to see them off heartily wished they would come back in some near future.
An insurrection in the city of Paris reported. The navy department said to be set on fire. The American Embassy attacked. The Parisian mob no wiser than they were a century ago? Whose fault? The common people want bread. Politicians and diplomats give them dynamites and poison gas. Who can save the world from wars and preparation for wars?
8th. Thursday. Bright and cold.
I have so far had three daughters-in-law. One of them, Min Yon Huie, the first wife of Allen, being crazy had to be sent back to her parents some years ago. Allen's present wife is an ex-ki-saing. She is not only fine looking in person and charming in her manners she is the best house keeper among our children. She makes a kind mother to the two boys born of Min Yon Huie. Mother have spent three successive summers at Allen's home. His present wife looked after her comforts better than any woman in our family could or would have done. I wish her union with Allen can be legalized soon!
9th. Friday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home. Today being the 70th anniversary of my birthday our children from Song Do all came to have a family reunion. To prepare the food for the occasion wife, Laura, Mary, our daughter-in-law from Song Do, Sun Huie's grandmother, with the help of the servants, have worked hard night and day for the past five days. While I feel most grateful to God and to these dear ones for their love for me, I can't help feeling that the Korean feast must be simplified so as not to take so much time and trouble in preparation.
10th. Saturday. Bright―Mild.
Went to the 公會堂 2:30 p.m. to see the wedding of 李節子, the 5th daughter of Mr. 李圭完 to 金鍾錫, the eldest son of Mr. 金甲淳.
5 p.m. invited the members of the First Higher Common School faculty(第一高普) to a Korean supper at our home. Cousin Chi-Oh entertained them with anecdotes from the facts and fables of recent Korean history. They seemed to enjoy the meal as well as the stories.
11th. Sunday. Bright―Mild.
Seoul home. Went to the South Gate Station to see niece Sun Huie(善姬) leave for Taikoo by the 9:10 train. Sorry to see her go to a home made cold and unattractive by a husband whose interest in her begins and ends in what he gets from her parents, ¥50.00 a month plus all kinds of presents. He seems to be an ungrateful parasite.
The big square in front of the Seoul Shinto Shrine was filled at 12 with Japanese and Koreans to celebrate the birth of the Crown Prince along with the celebrations usually observed on the " Founder's Day."
Went to the Soo Song Primary School at 3:30 p.m. to participate in the program of starting the Northern Sectional Association of the Seoul Cultural Federation.
12th. Monday. Hazy in the morning.
To increase the rice crops of Korea to supply the shortage of food in Japan proper the Government of Japan forced on the Koreans the Water-blessing Associations(水利組合) which have proved "Water-curse Associations", to the incalculable injustice and injury to the Korean land owners. Now that the Korean rice is swelling the rice markets of Japan, the Japanese Government has passed a law which is practically an embargo on Korean rice. Thus the Japanese Government shows no consideration to the interest of the Korean people except so far as they can be made to serve the interests of the Japanese people. But in this Japan needn't be ashamed in the light (darkness) of what England did to Ireland and Germany and Russia did to Poland. It's the meanness of human nature and not Japan or England that is responsible for their abominations.
13th. Tuesday. Bright―Cold.
Austria is according to reports of papers, in bad shape, armed conflicts going on between Socialists and the Government. The Scandinavian nations seem to be the only ones in the family of nations, East and West, that are in peace. All the great countries in Europe are in trouble. But remember that the great nations all boast great armies and navies. Moral: A nation can not live by sword alone.
14th. Wednesday. Bright―Cold.
Found a layer of snow on the ground in the morning. This is the 1st day of the 1st Moon of the year 甲戌. God grant this year may be a year of peace to us to the world.
Messrs. Pang Ung Mo, Yi Kwang Soo, Cynn Tai Ak, all of the Chosen-Ilpo, paid me a new year(Lunar) visit, which I had hardly expected of them.
Last few days I have read Macanlay's essay on Frederick the Great, for the 4th time. It reads like a romance. Some pages in the King's life read like so many pages torn out of the recent(very recent) history of Japan. In fact both Prussia and Japan owe their greatness to sword. Hence their war-like psychology and aggressive actions are very much alike.
The nations that worship sword write their histories in blood, while those who worship pen in tears. Which is preferable?
15th. Thursday. Bright―Icy cold.
Seoul home. At 3 p.m. went to the Pai-Chai School to attend a meeting of the Board of Managers. Mr. Appenzeller reported that his budget for the coming year shows a deficit of ¥5,000.00 owitng to the cut in Mission appropriation and to the rise of Yen in exchange. His new auditorium has a debt of ¥5,000.00, I understand. Why did he build it?
16th. Friday. Bright―Icy cold.
Seoul home. Went to Station to welcome Commissioner Mapp of the Salvation Army arriving at 7:52 a.m. He was born in India. Became a judge. When converted a Salvation Army man he gave up his official position, and harder still, his Anglo-Saxon pride and prejudices and went about bare footed preaching the Gospel. He looks somewhat like Mussolini.
4 p.m. I entertained Commissioner Mapp to a tea party at Central Y. Over a hundred Korean friends representing various groups came to the reception.
7:30 went to the Pai-Chai Auditorium to preside over a mass welcome given to Mr. Mapp.
His response was a revival preaching of old camp meeting variety.
17th. Saturday. Cloudy. Mild. Thawing.
Seoul home. Went to C.C.C. 8:30 a.m. to attend a meeting of the Field Board of Managers from 9:30. After lunch the meeting resumed its work at 2. Dr. O.R. Avison formally and definitely offered his resignation of the President of the College. I couldn't help having tears in my eyes at his brief but touching address stating his reasons for resignation viz: his advancing age "As I shall be 74 at my next birthday, I must lay down my burdens which I have sense enough to do so without being asked to get out". Mr. Blair moved I should make a response. I tried but I was so moved that I could not formulate a coherent speech. So I sat down. The whole Board seemed to appreciate my emotion more than any speech I might have made.
18th. Sunday. Bright―Icy wind.
Seoul home. (C.C.C. Board meeting continued) . As the first ballot, Dr. Underwood Jr. was elected by 22 out of 25 votes. Mr. Yu-Ok Kyum was elected by 17 votes. There is no Korean who is better fitted for the position than Yu.
Commissioner Mapp is having a series of red hot old style revival meetings. A wonderful man. He must have seen enough of meanness in his own people in India and in the teeming masses of the Indian races―both touchables and untouchables―I say enough of human meanness of all sorts to have made him a cynic or a pessimist. But no! His face shines with the light of heaven. He preaches Christ in season and out of season as Paul did. It's certainly worthwhile to have a faith like that!
19th. Monday. Beautiful. Icy cold.
Seoul home. 2:30 p.m. met with Messrs. 李春昊, 金俊玉, Synder, Ryang at the Central Y. to discuss the advisability of Kim going to America for the purpose of raising or rather reminding Bish. Kern to raise the subscriptions toward the S.H.C. School Fund. I For one disapproved of the plan knowing from my humiliating experience of 1910, the wellnigh impossible job of a Korean interesting an American enough in things Korean to loosen his pocket book. The S. Methodist missionaries in Seoul are all opposed to Kim's idea.
20th. Tuesday. Bright―Icy.
Seoul home. Took a car ride with 珽善 to the Han River between 1:30 and 3 p.m. The river is covered yet with solid ice yet not thick or firm enough for skating. The Cultural Association of the Far Eastern Races(東亞民族文化協會) , is an organization born in Tokyo last December. The Social Work Dept. of the Government General is introducing the movement to Korea. Its three fold object is (1) To study the racial characteristics, customs and culture of the Far Eastern Races with a view to promote their advancement and unification. (2) To make us understand and recognize the fact that the consolidation and prosperity of the Far Eastern Races is the foundation of the peace of the world. (3) To rectify the one-sided and crooked state of the present world by explaining and spreading the lofty Far-Eastern culture. Nobody can take any exception at these worthy objects. But in the statement of reasons for starting a such an Association, the promoters say among other things― "Holy heart and Heroic hand(聖心雄手) has been the motto of our Far Eastern races. But how is it now? Racially we are under the whip of the white man. We are culturally compelled to assimilate his civilization. Economically we are contented with his insatiable exploitation. Geographically we are obliged to tolerate his unchecked dispossession". How does this sound to a Korean under the Japanese regime?
21st. Wednesday. Cloudy. Chilly and icy. Rained a little.
Seoul home. 7:30 went to the Social Hall(社會館) to hear Prof. Tanabe lecture on Far Eastern music.
22nd. Thursday. Beautiful. Mild.
Went to the South Gate Station 9:10 to see Commissioner Mapp leave for Japan. A wonderful man, full of faith and optimism. He told me that Mr. 李光洙 had decided to be a Christian.
With Hyon Dong Wan, visited Mr. Yu Sung Joon who has been in a comatose state for the last 2 days.
Hyon tells me that Cynn dislikes Mr. Wilbur for the pressure which W. tried to put on him to give up his American salary for the benefit of Barnhart. I can understand that. But I was perfectly astonished when Hyon said that Cynn now tries to shove on Hyon the responsibility of sacrificing the income(for me) of the Central Y. to retain Barnhart. Now, it was Cynn who originated the bright idea of getting ¥1,000.00 from me and ¥1,000.00 from the Central Y. to keep B. here. It was another clever trick on C's part. But naturally enough people inside and outside of the Central Y. are criticizing C. and H. for the affair. Cynn now makes it out by insinuations etc., that he was for sending away all the foreign secretaries but that Hyon's officiousness is to be blamed for all that has passed in the matter. Can I believe Hyon's statement? Up till now I have had no reason to doubt his veracity.
23rd. Friday. Bright―Icy cold.
Seoul home. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Central Y. met at the Y. 7:30 Everything got on quietly and smoothly.
24th. Saturday. Pale―Icy―Cold.
From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 the Committee on the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Methodism in Korea met at the C.L.S. board room. Sub-committees appointed on History, Program, English or Missionary Celebration, Endowment etc. Came home weary. It is proposed to raise ¥200,000.00 during the coming five years; viz: ¥40,000.00 a year. A brave proposition and very important too. But where and who will give that much? The Committee―Executive, composed of 3 missionaries and 4 Koreans, was at a loss to know where and how to get the paltry sum of ¥1,200.00 to meet the expenses of the various committee meetings.
6 p.m. went to the Bright Moon Restaurant to have the Saturday Club(土曜會) supper.
25th. Sunday. Pretty―Icy cold.
Seoul home. Worshipped at the West Gate Church where Dr. Avison preached a Baccalaureate sermon to the C.C.C. graduating class.
Visited Yu Sung Joon who is still in comatose state. His friends have now given up hope of his getting out of that state. Where is his soul now? Being still in the body why doesn't it communicate with his family through the organs of his wife or children―if it is independent of the physical organisms?
26th. Monday. Pretty―Icy.
Early on the 21st a great earthquake broke out in the city of Hakodate and burned on until the 22nd, destroying 23,000 houses. One thousand dead, two thousand injured or wereabout unknown. The greatest catastrophy in Japan proper since the great earthquake of 1912.
27th. Tuesday. Beautiful.
Left Seoul 8 a.m. train with Candler for a new year visit to uncle and aunt. From Pyong taik by auto reached Saimal about 12:30. Found uncle and aunt all well. Uncle now 81 years old with his hearing, eye sight and teeth as good as ordinary men at 50. He even now never indulge in lying down in day time.
Rested a little, then with Candler went to Tokol cemetery to pay our respect to the graves of grandfather and grandmother. Returned a little tired.
28th. Wednesday. Cloudy a.m. Snow p.m.
Left Sai-mal 2:30, Kwan-tuh 3 p.m. by auto for On-yang Station. Left there 3:40 for Chun-An where the train left for Seoul 4:17. Snow from 3 for all the afternoon. Arrived at Seoul home nearly 8.
Hear Myong Soonie, the little girl who has stood the everlasting scolding of wife for the 3 years and half ran away this afternoon. She was overtaken at the station and persuaded to come back. Nobody can stand scolding 360 days a year for ever. I told wife to let her go home paying 1 Yen per month for the past 33 months of service.