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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1934년) ◈
◇ 6월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 6권 다음
목   차

1. 6월 1일

1st. Friday. Pretty. Hot.
Seoul home. 10:30 a.m. went to Mr. Hugh Miller's office to meet Dr. McClen(?) , the Secretary of Foreign Missions.
On a beautiful May morning at the Station of Springfield Mass. I said in 1910, a Negro young man with white gloves on, when the fairest white women were seen walking without the unnecessary hand-covers. The black dude absolutely had no excuse but his vainness. How about these Koreans in voluminous sil turumaki's who go about in these hot days with gloves on! Of course everybody has the inalienable right to be a fool; but these fellows who use gloves in hot weather go beyond their rights of being fools.

2. 6월 2일

2nd. Saturday. Rain from 1 or 2 a.m. (?)
Seoul home.
3 to 4:30 attended the dedication exercises of the Y.M.C.A.'s new home. To me who have seen the often desperate circumstances through which the little Y.M.C.A. had to travel during the last 12 years, from lack of fund and workers, the neatly fixed-up house which the Y.M.C.A. can call its own, was a touching monument to the devotion and persistence first of that little woman, Yu Kakkyong(兪珏卿) and then of Helen Kim. Hugh Cynn's attitude toward the struggling Y.W., trying to handle such work as the rural women's education by the Y.M.C.A. instead of turning it over to the Y.W.―his cold and even antagonistic attitude toward the sister organization of Y.M.C.A. is very strange indeed.
Miss Julia Geszty, a jounalist woman of Budapest called at 5 to see a Korean home. She is an exceedingly lively woman. Everything she saw was "lovely", "charming", "wonderful". She seemed to have determined to make herself agreeable.

3. 6월 3일

3rd. Sunday. Cloudy―Pale sun―Little shower.
Seoul home. Very cool. Worshipped at Jong Kyo Church. 12 to 4 p.m. Myung Wol Kwan Restaturant. Our cousin 李晋相's wife's 61st birthday celebration. As a matter of fact she is now 70 I understand but the celebration has been postponed these years on account of various family reasons!

4. 6월 4일

4th. Monday. Cloudy―cool a.m. Sun p.m.
Seoul home.
At noon Dr. Ryang invited me and a few other Methodists―to a lunch at Chiyoda Grill to meet Mr. Takahashi, the chairman of the Methodist Laymen's Association of Japan. He seems to be a remarkable man. He gave up a lucrative position in the great Mitsu-i Corporation and has become an active worker in the Methodist Church. He says the Laymen's Association was started only a short time ago with the object of raising a Fund say ¥40,000.00 to meet the deficit in the Church budget by the sudden cut of the appropriation from America.
3:30 p.m. went to Chung Ryang Sa to entertain Mr. Kwon Pyong Hoon(權丙勳) of Kong Joo. He is now 71 years old but remarkably well preserved. He has, during the last 25 years, written a book nearly 10,000 pages(30 vol. of 300 pp. average) on an exhaustive analysis explanation of Chinese characters.
The brave thing he has done is that he has attempted to correct and often abandon the theories and explanations of the great Chinese scholar Huh Sin who wrote the classical work called Sul-Moon(說文) . The way Mr. Kwon explains the origin of certain characters is fascinating. Messrs. Jung In Bo, Choi Kyu Dong, Moon Il Pyong, An Jai Hong, Pak Han Yung were among the guests. Home about 8:30.

5. 6월 5일

5th. Tuesday. Beautiful a.m. Cloud―Rain p.m.
Seoul home. 5 p.m. the Municipal Hall was packed to capacity to do honor to the memory of Admiral Togo, the Nelson of Japan, who died a few days ago. Rain and wind most of the afternoon.

6. 6월 6일

6th. Wednesday. Lovely.
Seoul home. 2 p.m. Helen Kim called. She said that when she asked Miss 任永信 to help her in the Y.W. National Council, she(H.K.) understood that Miss Im was to work under her directions. Now Miss Im is impatient to become the General Secretary of the Council which, Helen said, is objected by 8 members out of 9 composing the executive committee. I innocently replied that Miss Im might wait for some months during which she could equip herself with experience knowledge necessary to a General Secretary. Later in the Central Y. Hyon told me that Mrs. Hong(李恩卿) complained that Helen Kim's arrogance and absolutism had alienated her and Miss Im from Helen.

7. 6월 7일

7th. Thursday. Pretty.
Seoul home. This morning about 10 with wife, Mrs. Kim Melissa, called on Mrs. Ryang. On our way home we dropped in to see the Y.W.'s new home. Then called on Mrs. Hong(李恩卿) . Soon Miss Im came in. They, Mrs. Hong and Miss Im said that Helen Kim does everything her way without ever consulting them; that though Miss Helen and Esther Whang are treasurers of the Y.W. National Council, they don't know where money comes from or whether it goes; that Helen has for the members of the Board of D. and the Executive Committee only such persons as will obey her implicitly; that Mrs. 李明淑, though nominally the Secretary of the Council, is nothing but the private Secretary for Helen, etc., etc. Helen Kim seems to copy from Cynn the ways of using the Y. for his personal aggrandizement.
5 p.m. a welcome reception given to four Korean young men who made fine records in the Far Eastern Olympic, Manila.

8. 6월 8일

8th. Friday. Lovely.
Seoul home. From 9 to 11 Pai-Chai Celebration of its 49th Birthday.
Hyon tells me that Cynn is negotiating the sale of the present site and building of the Central Y. to the Wha Shin Dept. Store, with Pak Hung Sik! Now, this Cynn is simply behaving himself shamefully in his autocratic way of doing things. He ought not to enter into such important negotiations without consulting at least some of the Directors of the Juridic Person in whose name the Central property is registered. If the property were sold I would hate to see the money in the power of Cynn.
The monthly meeting of the Directors of the Kyong Sung Orphanage met at the Old Women's Asylum located at Chung Woon Dong valley. This Yang No Won(養老院) was started some years ago by a woman named 李元植, she being a capable and unreliable character managed the finance of the institution for her personal interests. At the request of the Social Work Dept. of the Mayors Office of the city, the asylum was taken over by the Directors of the Orphanage some months ago.

9. 6월 9일

9th. Saturday. Pretty. Hot.
Seoul home. 5 p.m. The Japanese Y.M.C.A. had Sa-Yo-Na-Ra(Goodbye) exercises to bid farewell to the old building they had to evacuate. They are going to build a new one in a more retired place. The Bank of Chosen and the Industrial Bank ¥3,000 each.

10. 6월 10일

10th. Sunday. Beautiful. Hot.
Wife and children, except 璋 and 琦 went to Shin Hung Sa to entertain Pak Kyung, the pianist and our niece, Sun Huie. They didn't start until 2:30 p.m.
The principle I don't object to the idea of translating the Central Y. property into a substancial sum of money for reasons: (1) The work of a City Y. has become such that it can be carried on in a more or less retired locality. (2) The Korean Y. needs a good endowment fund say of 300 or 400 thousand Yen instead of 50 thousand which it has now. But as long as man like Cynn has unlimitted power in the Y. work, I don't want to put a big fund in his hand just to promote his personal schemes of selfish interests.

11. 6월 11일

11th. Monday. Cloudy a.m. Bright p.m.
Seoul home. Miss Im Yung Shin(任永信) called on me this morning and asked me what course she should take seeing that she can't work with Helen Kim in the Y.W. work. I had to say something like this: Under circumstances you have to do one of three things (1) To submit yourself to the dictatorial rule of Helen; or (2) to quarrel with her over every little thing; or (3) to resign your unpleasant position and serve the Y.W.C.A. in the capacity of a simple but loyal member.
Both she and I agreed that the 3rd is the best course to take. Miss Im says she has found out that nobody who has self respect can work with Helen Kim. Too bad!

12. 6월 12일

12th. Tuesday. Bright. Rather cool.
Seoul home.
This morning Hyon Dong Wan and Pastor Kim Yung Sup called and informed me that 70 persons of whom 30 being Foreigners have volunteered to give me a celebration on the coming anniversary of my 71st birthday. Each of the 70 promotors have agreed to pay ¥3.00 each and to get 7 more members each paying ¥1.50 to publish my biography. I was surprized and annoyed to hear that. While I thank my friends for their kind considerations, I simply don't like this kind of vanity shows. I don't believe we have yet any Korean who deserves a public celebration―I know only well that I am not the one. An honor undeserved is an honor undesirable. I frankly told my two friends that I didn't like what they proposed and begged them to cancel the plan. A few hours later Drs. Hardie, Cynn, Billings, Messrs. Kim Il Sun and Hyon Dong Wan came to ask me not to interfere with the plan which has gone too far to be cancelled. Cynn said this was not so much for my individual sake as to educate our people to show appreciation for a man's service to the Society, etc.

13. 6월 13일

13th. Wednesday. Pale sun a.m.
Seoul home. Supper at 明月館 at the invitation of Cynn to meet Dr. and Mrs. Klinsmid.

14. 6월 14일

14th. Thursday. Pretty―Pleasant.
Seoul home.
With 珽善 I went out to our Boo Am Jung(傳巖亭) to see some of the repairs now being done there. I took a long nap but our Jung Suni enjoyed picking some of the ripe cherries. Returned home 3 p.m.
Brother Chi Chang's wife, with all her Americanized notions seems to have never learned either at her own parental home or abroad even the A.B.C. of common courtesy. She passes by our house everyday but she hasn't come in to say howd'y to our aged Mother for the last several months.

15. 6월 15일

15th. Friday. Clould a.m. Sun p.m.
Seoul home. 4 p.m. went to Morris Hall where preliminary contest was held for selection of players to take part in the third Musical Contest among the Middle School Boys and Girls in Korea. Our whole family have the liveliest interest in the contest because our 琦善, representing the First Higher C. School, is to play piano. This afternoon the judges selected 4 for piano from 5 candidates. One of them being our boy, 7 for violin from 10 applicants. One of the judges Mrs. Baker gave 100 for Ki-Suni. Everybody praised his performance.

16. 6월 16일

16th. Saturday. Cloud a.m. Sun p.m.
Seoul home Contract for the sale of our Yak Hyon(藥峴) property at ¥90,000.00 plus ¥1,500, for commission was concluded this morning. I would have kept the property for higher bids if we had an honest competent man to look after it. As Yun Hak Soon wants to retire from our service, I have to sell the property in order to get rid of a source of constant care and worry.
7 p.m. our whole family went to the Pai-Chai Auditorium with our Ki-Suni to see the Musical Contest of the Middle School Students, held under auspices of the C.C.C. The program was long lasting from 8 to 11. Our Ki-Suni got the first prize for piano. His being the youngest among the contestants besides his creditable way of handling a rather difficult piece seemed to have elicited the kindly good will of everybody in the vast audience. Mr. Pak Kyong Ho, who is said to be the best pianist among the Koreans has been kind enough to coach our boy for a month.

17. 6월 17일

17th. Sunday. Beautiful. Hot.
Seoul home. Wife is laid up with headache today. No doubt the excitement of last night, her nerves tuned up to the highest degree tention, proved rather too hard for her.

18. 6월 18일

18th. Monday. Beautiful. Hot.
Seoul home.
The "Fettered India"(桎梏の印度) is a book written by Mr. Bose, the Indian Nationalist who has been a refugee in Japan over 18 years. Am astonished to find that what England has been doing in India is no better than what certain other powers have been or are doing in certain other places: viz England holds India to promote the Englishmen's interests and not the Indian's. The human nature being the same the world over, it's a simple nonsense to expect otherwise. It is always the weak nation, the unwar-like nation, that is to be blamed and not the strong nation.

19. 6월 19일

19th. Tuesday. Bright. Hot.
Seoul home. The missionaries of both M.E. North and M.E. South Missions celebrated the 50th year since the founding of the Methodist mission in Korea. The full progran began from 9 a.m. the Jung Dong Methodist Church. At 3:30 p.m. I spoke on "How I came to be with General Foote." The occasion is good; the audience very appreciative; the songs between formal speeches, all nice. But a place―the Church―in which the meetings are held is exceedingly poor. The hall is barn like. The floor is dirty, the benches dirty and comfortless; the acoustics very bad.
8 p.m. a pageant show was staged in the Pai-Chai Auditorium in three Acts. Ⅰ. The meeting of Prince Min with Dr. Gouches; Ⅱ. The visit of Dr. Maclay to Seoul 1884; Ⅲ. The appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Appenzeller and of Dr. and Mrs. Scranton and Mother Scranton to Korea.

20. 6월 20일

20th. Wednesday. Bright. Hot.
Seoul home.
The 50th Year celebration continued all through the day. Both Helen Kim and Cynn spoke. The wretched place in which the meetings have been held detracted at least 50% of their effects. Why didn't they have the meetings in the Ewha Chapel for instance? They say the meetings were held in the barn-like Church simply because it was a historical building. The Ewha Chapel is historical too. after all. Besides, to make such important meetings a success, cleanliness, comfortable seates, freedom from street noise and good acoustics should be regarded more important than mere age of a place.

21. 6월 21일

21st. Thursday. Sun. Hot.
Seoul home. Mr. Yi Man Kyu as well as Koo Ja Ok are opposed to the idea of publishing my biography by the friends who propose to celebrate my 71st birthday next November. Mr. Yi says and I think rightly, too, that if the biography is to be readable, you will not be allowed to publish it, if it is publishable, it will be dry that nobody will care to read it. I am of the same opinion. To ask people to pay for a book they don't care to read is simply a folly. But Cynn and Hyon are of different opinion, however.
8:30 p.m. attended a meeting of Bd. of Managers of the Pai-Chai School. The topic; How to raise an endowment fund for that school.

22. 6월 22일

22nd. Friday. Beautiful. Hot.
Seoul home. The hottest day so far―87°F. noon.
In the Fettered India, Mrs. Annie Besant is quoted thus: Under the English domination, the process of deforming the Indian nation begins with the education of children. Everywhere, the schools for the English and the Indians are stirictly separated. Indian teachers of the first rate qualifications are placed under 3rd rate foreigners. Principals of schools must be foreigners. The histories of foreign nations are given more important place than the history of India. What they do in English villages are used as material for teaching Indian economics. In all things: things foreign are given the prominance.
The author; Mr. Bose, says: (The English) think it isn't worthwhile to pay any respect to the ideals of life. The political status and the educational system that have been build up by the Indians as the result of millenniums of experience. Schools, from the lowest to the highest, must be modelled after those of London Harrow and Oxford. In the matter of history, the Europian history, particularly the history of Great Britain must be taught first. If there is any necessity for teaching the Indian history, it wouldn't hurt to let it comes afterward. Even the history of India, it won't do to use a book written by an Indian who knows the spirit and systems of India's past history. The books must be those written by the English who sympathize with the ideals and system of England.

23. 6월 23일

23rd. Saturday. Cloudy―Rain from 1 p.m.
Seoul home.

24. 6월 24일

24th. Sunday. Cloudy.
Seoul home.
Worshipped at Jong Kyo Church in the morning. About 1:30 p.m. with three little ones, 寶姬, 瑛姬, and 珽善―went to Bu-Am-Jung. They enjoyed picking cherries and I, a nap. Returned about 7 p.m.
Mr. Bose says that the English functionaries in India uses the furniture imported from England. They have luxurious trains for the exclusive use of the English. Fine expensive clubs are run for them. From all these the Indians are excluded…and when an Indian youth desires to do something for the public good of his people, he must first obtain the consent and the help of the English government. The Government disregard and oppose anything that the Indians plan or wish to do, saying "The natives are doing it"…The Indian youth, no matter what ability and education they have, can have no hope whatsoever…They have not their own country!

25. 6월 25일

25th. Monday. Cloudy.
Seoul home. Koo tells me that Dr. Ryang had to submit to the censor the speech he was to broadcast on the Fifty Years of Methodis in Korea. The censor struck out the word "Japan” to be substituted by the word Nai chi and the term "Korean race". Any reference to the last Emperor as "Whangjai" or the use of "His Majesty" were forbidden. Ryang wasn't allowed to mention the fact that the King had given the names of Pai-Chai and Ewha to the schools!!

26. 6월 26일

26th. Tuesday. Rain most of the day.
Seoul home.
Today the contract for the purchase of a rice plantation in the district of Yuh-Joo(驪州) and of another smaller plantation near Jang Ho Won(長湖院) was signed.
Hear Mr. Choi-Jai-Hak(崔在鶴) died last night. He used to look so strong and healthy that we all thought he would enjoy a longer life than his father who had died before he got to the three score years and ten limit of his age. Choi Jai Wan, the younger brother of the deceased, looks so ill always that everybody feared that he would go before his older brother. But all these human anticipations have proved false.

27. 6월 27일

27th. Wednesday. Cloudy a.m.
Seoul home. 2 p.m. I was asked to all on Mr. Nakamura, the Chief of the High-Police Section of the Kyong Ki Province. I, being the nominal chairman of the Committee having charge of the erection of a bronze statue in monory of Mr. Kim Ki Joong―was asked to strike out the word Minjok(民族) or race, substituting Cho-sun in. The legend to be engraved in the pedestal. In mentioning dates, the reign year of the Emperor should be used in place of the cyclic terms of the year, as 癸酉 or 甲戌. Last but not the least, the English version of the legend should be changed into a Japanese version or Chinese. I had to call in the Hyon Sang Yun(玄相允) , to answer these questions.

28. 6월 28일

28th. Thursday. Cloudy.
Seoul home.
A torrential rain between 6 and 7 a.m. The rainy season has already begun.
When a nation or a race unarmed or disarmed have to live under or with another race or nation full of the spirit of fight well equipped in discipline and armament it is a law of nature as universal as the law of gravity that the war-like strong race despise, oppress, and in every way discriminate against the race or nation that has no power to resist. The Isrealites under the Egyptians, the Canaanites under the Isrealites, the subjugated races under the Romans, the aborigines under the Aryans in India, under the Spanish in Central and South Americas etc., etc. amply proves the invariableness of this law of discrimination!

29. 6월 29일

29th. Friday. Cloudy. Showers on and off.
Seoul home. 10 a.m. went to the funeral service of Mr. Choi Jai Hak. Over and above the usual ceremony observed on such occasions I was surprized―rather shocked―to see a photo taken with the mourners standing in a line behind the coffin. If the family desired to have the picture of their departed member they should have taken a photo at their own home. The wife and the children of the deceased man should or even affect to be too sad to give such a public show.

30. 6월 30일

30th. Saturday. Cloudy. Showers on and off.
Seoul home. Brother Chi Wang returned home this morning.
Yesterday afternoon, the Pai Chai Board of Managers met at the Appenzeller's home at 4:30. It was proposed to raise ¥300,000.00 for the endowment fund. Of that sum 1/3 is to be raised in America, and 2/3 in Korea. The managers are to raise ¥100,000.00. Now the managers are, Messrs. Cynn, Ryang, Kim Tai Won, Kim Dong Hyuk besides myself. Which of these men will shoulder the burden? These Koreans simply talk big without first weighing the feasibility or futility of a plan. I kept silence during their discussion. I only suggested at last, that the plan shouldn't be made public until at least ¥150,000.00 are secured or pledged!
3:30~6 p.m. the Annual Meeting of the Ewha Board of Managers meet at Miss Appenzeller's home.
8:10 p.m. went to the Public Hall to make a little speech to the students(2,400) who are to teach the illiterate people the Korean unmoon during the vacation.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1934년) ◈
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