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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1941년) ◈
◇ 2월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 9권)     이전 2권 다음
목   차

1. 2월 1일

1st. Saturday. Bright. Very cold.
Seoul home. 12 p.m. called on Vice Director of Education at his office. He said his Chief, Mr. Shiobara had in mind the appointment of a Japanese as the Vice President of C.C.C. I said that would be all right provided he is a Christian. The Vice Director intimated that the man Shiobara had in mind is not a Christian but a fine man. I told him I have no doubt he must be a fine man but he must be a Christian also in order to preserve the character of the institution as Christian.

2. 2월 2일

2nd. Sunday. Beautiful. Very cold.
Seoul home. Lieut. ―General O-shima, the new Ambassador to Germany stopped off at Seoul yesterday morning. He is given a royal welcome by the Government General and the army. A big send-off program was staged at the Citizens' Hall attended by all the big lights of the Government and the army from 1 to 2 p.m. I had the honor to read a "shikuzi" representing the Korean population.

3. 2월 3일

3rd. Monday. Pale sun. Snow 9:30 p.m.
Seoul home. 5 p.m. General Minami.

4. 2월 4일

4th. Tuesday. Cloudy a.m. Lovely p.m.
Seoul home. 5 p.m. invited Hong Pyong Sun and Yi Yu Jong to a sukiyaki supper at Yedogawa Restaurant. Yi is a detective in the Foreign Affair Section of the West Gate Police Station.

5. 2월 5일

5th. Wednesday. Dark. Chilly.
Seoul home. 9 a.m. went to the Central Church where Jung Choon Soo had unlawfully called an extra session of the General Conference. But the Discipline distinctly says an extra session may be called only by the 2/ votes of the members of the General Board(總理院) . Jung and Hugh Cynn, the arch intriguer, called the extra session without consulting the members of the General Board in order spring on the church a new scheme of organization that would make Jung(Cynn) the Dictator of the church. Dr. Ryang and I backed by the Western delegates insisted on dissolving the session on the ground of its illegality. Jung and his crowd had to call off the meeting.

6. 2월 6일

6th. Thursday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. It seems I am less able to stand cold this winter than ever before. 9:30 a.m. the 總理阮實行委員(Messrs. 李允榮, 李□□, Miss Helen Kim and I met at the Bishop's office to fill the vacancies caused by the withdrawal of missionary members. Miss Kim and Yi Yun Yung gave some sound lectures to Bishop Jung for having violated the rules and regulations of the Methodist Church Discipline. Jung was as obdurate as an ass in his persistence that he is right in all his doings.

7. 2월 7일

7th. Friday. Dark a.m. Bright p.m.
Seoul home. 12 morning went to Yung Bo Grill having been invited to a luncheon party given by the Chief of Jong No Police Station. All the Korean members of the Committee on Building the Police Residences etc. were present. Last year ¥52,000.00 were collected for the purpose from the pockets of the well-to-do Koreans living with in Jong No Police Area. But they need now more than ¥160,000.00 over and above the amount already collected. A fresh collection is to be made.

8. 2월 8일

8th. Saturday. Bright. Chilly to the bone.
Seoul home. Today being the birthday of our Myong Hie, wife and I went to her home for luncheon. She has tow lovely daughters. God bless them.

9. 2월 9일

9th. Sunday. Cloudy a.m. Snow 2 p.m.
Seoul home. Beautiful snow 4 inches and half thick―the biggest snow we have had this winter in Seoul―from 2 to 9 p.m. yesterday afternoon.
Kim Sang Kyo(金相敎) one of the very few boyhood friends I have, died this morning. I met him on the 29th Jan. I gave him ¥25.00 of which ¥10.00 for the Lunar New Year gift. He was as well, even better than he had ever been during the last few winters. Sixty-five years ago I boarded in his house learning Chinese from his father(金正浩) . Am happy I have been able to help him financially during last 20 years.
I once asked my friend Kim if he believed in the survival of soul. He said he couldn't believe it because he added "My father loved me dearer than his own life. Now if my father's soul lived after his death, he would or should have given me some warnings or advice especially when I did something that would prove hurtful to me. But the has never done so since his death."

10. 2월 11일

11th. Tuesday. Cloudy. Very cold.
Seoul home. From 9 to 12 at the Chosun Shrine Elaborate Shinto rites in celebration of th 2601st Anniversary of the Founding of the Empire. On our way home Mr. 宋聲鎭 took us, Miss Kim Helen and me, in his car as far as my home. It was a very timely and graceful act on Song's part as the weather was chilly and the streets icy and slippery.

11. 2월 12일

12th. Wednesday. Cloudy. Chilly.
Seoul home. This being the 6th anniversary of our mother's departure, we had a quiet family reunion to commemorate the day.

12. 2월 13일

13th. Thursday. Cloudy. Chilly.
Seoul home. 2 p.m. about 300 Korean gave a tea party in honor of Mr. Noguchi who gave 30 million yen for public benefit.

13. 2월 14일

14th. Friday. Cloudy. Pretty p.m.
Seoul home.

14. 2월 15일

15th. Saturday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. By 8:10 a.m. train went to Song Do to hold the annual meeting of the Song Do Middle School Board of Directors. No missionary present. The reports were clear and satisfactory. Lunch at Allen's home. Returned to Seoul per 3:50 p.m. train. Of the 150 graduates 70 are going to Japan Proper for further studies.

15. 2월 16일

16th. Sunday. Pale sun. Cold.
Seoul home. Stayed in bed with a bad cold. Wife paid ¥30.00 to a name-maker who had told her that her name 梅麗 is pretty but is the cause of her headaches and other aches!

16. 2월 17일

17th. Monday. Pale sun. Cold.
Seoul home.

17. 2월 18일

18th. Tuesday. Pale sun. Mild.
Seoul home. I invited Bishop Jung Choon Soo, Dr. Ryang and O Ki Sun to a sukiyaki luncheon at Yedogawa but the Bishop didn't turn up.

18. 2월 19일

19th. Wednesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Mr. Yi Kak Jong invited me and Jung Kwang Hyon to luncheon at Chun Hyang Hotel.

19. 2월 20일

20th. Thursday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. This year promises to be hard and dark year for me. What with the shy-less and heartless doings of W.W., what with the incorrigible profligacy and ruinous debts of Candler, what with the burden of heavy debts which we have incurred last year, what with, the worries and perplexities of C.C.C. Presidency, what with the extreme difficulty of getting money to meet the heavy demands, what with the increasing and prolonging of the war-time hardships of every description, what with the probability of a Japan-American war―I wonder if I shall able to survive this fearful year. Dark indeed is the prospect. How I wish and long for a light to guide me through this year! The Christmas card which Mr. and Mrs. Barnett sent has these words:
"I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light and safer than a known way.' "
Certainly I can do nothing wiser or better.

20. 2월 21일

21st. Friday. Bright. Mild.
Seoul home.

21. 2월 22일

22nd. Saturday. Pale sun.
Seoul home. Invited Mr. Matsumoto, the candidate for Vice Presidency of C.C.C. to luncheon at Chosun Hotel.

22. 2월 23일

23rd. Sunday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Laid up a bed with a bad spell of coughs.

23. 2월 24일

24th. Monday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Entertained Mr. Nagasaki and his staff to Japanese supper at Kiku-i Restaurant. Nagasaki, who has succeeded Mr. Yamashita as the Chief of the Bureau of Protection and Surveillance of Ex-dangerous-thoughts men, is an energetic and outspoken man. He says a Korean must be a thorough-going Japanese or an anti-Japanese rebel. There is no middle ground. He is an out-and-out believer in Nai-Sen-Ittai or Unification of Japanese and Korean. He will make a good friend or a bad enemy. Hugh Cynn has already his slimy hand on this determined converter of Koreans to further his schemes of helping himself and hurting others.

24. 2월 25일

25th. Tuesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Attended the Annual Meeting of the C.C.C. Board of Directors or Managers held at the College at 10 a.m. Dr. Underwood's resignation was accepted with regret. I was nominated his successor. I can give no explanation for my having consented to accept the position at the request of Mr. Shiobara, Director of Education Dept., other than sheer folly of follies. What a hell of botherations I shall have!

25. 2월 26일

26th. Wednesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Laid up with a bad cold.
The history of mankind has been running round and round the vicious circle or War―Peace―Prosperity―Luxury―Effeminate―Corruption―Degeneracy―War. The ingenuity of man that has worked miracles in inventions of all kinds hasn't been able to discover or invent something that may substitute war in supplying war-like virtues to keep peace from being worm eaten by prosperity-vices.

26. 2월 27일

27th. Thursday. Cloudy.
Seoul home. With Dr. Ryang called on Mr. Kim Sung Kwon to thank him on behalf of the C.C.C. Board of Managers for the generous gift he had made to the College.

27. 2월 28일

28th. Friday. Bright. Snappy cold.
Seoul home.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1941년) ◈
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