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◈ 윤치호일기 (1904년) ◈
◇ 9월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 9권)     이전 6권 다음
목   차

1. 9월 4일

4th. (25th or 7th Moon).
Japanese occupation of 遼陽!
Last week saw the fall of Sim Sang Hoon or rather his retirement. Hyon Yong Woon, Yi Kun Taik and Yi Bong Nai were too much for him. The Emperor simply transferred Sim to the Railroad Bureau.
Mr. Hagiwara of the Japanese Legation asked Mr. Min Sang Ho and me to cooperate with him, Pak Yong Wha and Yi Kun Saing, for the establishment of a Japanese-Korean club. We―Min and I―suggested to put Min Yong Whan, Yi Jai Wan, Yi Chi Yong, Min Yong So, etc. in the list of promotors.
Hayashi some time ago, talking about the need of education, said; "Nearly, or more than, 67 years have passed since the establishment of the Customs service in Korea. During all this time not a Korean able to be a commissioner. Why? Because not a Korean honest enough has been found. Those who have been abroad are ten times wores in corruption than home-staying Koreans. You are a rare exception. Nothing but education will remedy this."
While I confess that dishonesty of a Korean goes far to explain the sad failure of the Customs service to produce a Korean commissioner, Brown is not very anxious to product one.

2. 9월 23일

Bad cold; sick at home. Of late the Il-Chin-Hoi 一進會 has taken some decisive steps―such as cutting off the top-knots of the members and starting campaigns against men like 玄映運, 李容泰.
The Il-Chin-Hoi has been held not merely by the connivance, but by the grace and under the protection of the Japanese military authorities. A couple of Japanese gendarmes guard the meetings against the interferance of Korean police and soldiers. This is rather suspicious.
It is not likely that Japanese authorities, who break up every sign of popular gatherings, would positively protect a political association out of pure altruistic consideration for the good of Koreans. This suspicious attitude of Japanese has kept away almost every respectable Korean from the Il-Chin-Hoi.
Again what I fear most is that Japanese will put up Il-Chin-Hoi to some anti-government steps, thus exciting the fear and hatred of the Emperor against the association. The Japanese may make a bargain with the Emperor making the suppression of the Il-Chin-Hoi a condition for getting some concession―such as the Nagamori scheme.

3. 9월 25일

25th. Sunday.
Cold still bad. But at 3 p.m. had to go to 大觀亭 to attend the first meeting of the 大束俱樂部 or the Japanese-Korean Club. The building was decorated with flags, lanterns and electric lamps. About 350 to 400 members. Yi Chai Wan (李載完) was elected the president. My impressions:
1. If Japanese think they can win Koreans by means of the Club―other things remaining unchanged or unimproved in their dealings―our Japanese friends are mistaken. Artificial sentiments artificially worked up may do for a soiree or a lantern procession, but never last.
2. The Koreans who crowd into the Club are either office holders or office hunters―hence the most corrupt element of the Korean society, The club, to be of a permanent value, will have to shed these men, or a great number of them.
3. Ten years ago, a similar association was gotten up under the name of 東亞協會 for the purpose of promoting friendly relation between Koreans and Japanese. They had a big start in the shape of a banquet and speeches in Nam Byol Koong. I was one of the speakers. But nothing more was heard of the association after the first―the last―meeting. Then Koreans had some degree of hope. Japanese were then more considerate and polite and less agressive and grabbing than now. Koreans now smarting under what they regard to be wrong, feeling resentment and shame and hopelessness, will they cooperate with Japanese now any better than 10 years ago? I reckon not.
4. Yet, with sufficient funds, by establishing games, a library, lectures and the club, may do much good in diffusing knowledge and in bringing out Koreans from their room of smoke and intrigue. It is something like air and light.

4. 9월 27일

27th. Monday.
The Emperor issued an edict the day before yesterday prohibiting all popular gatherings for political discussion. Il-Chin-Hoi did not or could not meet yesterday.
It is said that Mr. Hayashi is opposed to Il-Chin-Hoi, that he has promised the Emperor to suppress the society; and that, as a price for this kind deed, he(Hayashi) has proposed the waste land scheme again.
I am informed this morning by 魚允迪 that Hayashi proposed the Nagamori's waste land monopoly scheme to Mr. Yi Ha Yong, the Minister of Foreign Office and Mr. Yi Yong Tai, the Minister of Home Department, on the 22nd or the 23rd inst.
I feel very much hurt by Mr. Y.H. Y's attitude toward me. He does not tell me anything. He is, after all, the same sort of man as Yi Yun Yong―dark, jealous, and intriguing.
Mr. Bethell, the Ed. K.D.N., tells me that Japanese want to get the waste land monopoly to be mortgaged for a foreign loan. He thinks America will likely lend money on the monopoly.

5. 9월 28일

Yi Ha Yong told me today that he had positively refused to have anything to do with the waste land scheme, that he had returned the papers to Hayashi.
Went to see Father and Mother at 三溪洞. The village outside of the 彰義門 belongs to the Tai-Won-Kun family. The rooms now temporarily occupied by Father and Mother used to be the apartments for Madame Tai-Won-Kun, the mother of the Emperor. The villa is in a pretty location but rapidly falling into decay from want of care. I wish I had place! Father tells me that in the hay day of Tai-Won-Kun's power and pomp, the little valley used to be filled with chairs, 軺軒 and horses. The rooms were crowded with officials of rank vying with each other to please the Regent. But where are the Regent and his power and flatterers? These changes in the fortunes of men are an old story but never old enough to be stale.

6. 9월 30일

For all practical purposes the Il-Chin-Hoi is as dead as a doornail. It is an open secret that the Japanese have withdrawn their help and protection from the Hoi, thus leaving it to the tender mercies of the Emperor and Hyon Yong Woon. For this dastardly deed, the Japanese are to have the Nagamori concession granted. If curses can kill a man the vile E. would have been dead and gone to the lower―most pit long ago.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1904년) ◈
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