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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1933년) ◈
◇ 2월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 2권 다음
목   차

1. 2월 1일

1st. Wednesday. Pale a.m. Lovely p.m.
Seoul home. Received a letter from 李□雨 our "sa-um"of the Nam-Won plantation informing me that he had sold our rice 230 bags(about ¥2,500.00) and that he had used them―the money as a loan from us to be paid back by yearly instalment. A rascal and ingrate. His father, a Confucian scholar must have connived at the crime. But what can I do? No use sueing him because (1) he is too poor and (2) people will blame me and not him for putting a friend in jail for a debt. His father and he knew this: hence the theft and the impudent letter. Dishonesty pays in Korea.

2. 2월 2일

2nd. Thursday. Smoky a.m. Lovely p.m.
Seoul home. 4:30 p.m. Messrs. song Jin Woo, Yu Ok Kyum, Cynn and I met at Dr. C's office with Miss Kim Helen to pass on the formal statement of the proposed Backing Association for the Ewha College. Decided (1) the meeting of promotors (發起人) to come off on the 18th inst. (2) The sum to be raised ¥1,000,000.00 with the understanding that half of the sum to be raised in America. I didn't say anything; but if my experience in matters of this kind count, I am sure the plan will not succeed. (1) The Korean Christians have no money to give ¥500,000.00 to Ewha; (2) The non-Christians will simply give no big sum to the work. (3) If they succeed in getting 20 or 30 thousand yen in cash, they would be fortunate.

3. 2월 3일

3rd. Friday. Pale a.m. Beautiful p.m.
Seoul home. At 5 p.m. went to the Seoul Station to see the Japanese troop train pass by on its way to Mukuden. The Station was literally packed by Japanese, men and women, old and young. As I looked on the fine young soldiers in the cars I couldn't help musing on things somewhat as follows:
(1) These splendid young men, the flower of the Japanese nation, are going to Manchuria or further by hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands. They say there are already from 180,000 to 200,000 Japanese soldiers in Manchuria. In case a big and prolonged war breaks out, how many of these apparently carefree and cheerful young fellows will ever return this way? God grant that no such war shall again curse the would!

4. 2월 4일

4th. Saturday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home. Went to the Farmer's Institute(Folk High School) 10:40 gasoline car for its closing exercises. As an experiment the institute has proved a success.
(2) Yesterday's musings continued: one can't help admiring the thorughness of preparation, the promptness in action, the discipline, the courage, the tenacity and the utter contempt for danger and death of the Japanese Army and Navy. Hundreds of thousands of men are mobilized without noise and hitch. These virtues have made the Japanese soldiers so far invincible by land and by sea. Now, where did they get these martial virtues? They were cultivated, nursed and perfected in 300 tiny feudal states making war and preparation for war the chief end of man and of state for at least 15 centuries. It's nonsense to say that Japan has learned to fight only after Comm. Perry forced open the gates of Japan in 1852. The Japanese nation knew how to fight―and fight well―centuries before America was ever dreamed of the fighting virtues―energy, efficiency, power to command and to obey, thoroughness in preparation and promptness in action―not only have enabled the Japanese a splendid soldier, but a good fighter in every branch of human occupation.
(3) Now isn't it distressing that these sterling virtues in the battle of life can't be had in perfection except in and through the school of actual wars!!!

5. 2월 5일

5th. Sunday. Pale sun. Chilly.
Seoul home. 宗橋 Church in the morning.

6. 2월 6일

6th. Monday. Beautiful p.m.
Seoul home. Hear that sister-in-law(Chichang's wife) has gained 15 lbs. Each pound must have cost her husband ¥500.00 up to date. Before she gets through with her costly flesh gaining he will have paid at least ¥1,000.00 per pound, at present rate of exchange.

7. 2월 7일

7th. Tuesday. Snow. Mild.
Seoul home.

8. 2월 8일

8th. Wednesday. Beautiful. Mild.
Seoul home.

9. 2월 9일

9th. Thursday. Pale a.m. Pretty p.m.
Seoul home. Went to the Station to welcome Mr. Usami arrive at 7 p.m. to break his journey in Seoul, on his way to Mukuden or Shing King as the Highest Counciller to the Manchukuo. A large number of Koreans met him at the Station. His tireless good will and unceasing efforts to help the Koreans ―students etc.― in Tokkyo have won the sobriquet "The friend of the Koreans".

10. 2월 10일

10th. Friday. Pale―Chilly.
Seoul home. At 12 m. the Mayor of the city of Seoul(京城府尹) and a large crowd of Japanese and Koreans gave a lunch to Mr. Usami at the Chosen Hotel. The food was wretched inspite of the fact everyone attending had to pay¥400. The Mayor's address of welcome was no better than the food.
7:20 p.m. went to the Station to see Mr. Usami leave Seoul for his post. While I wish him all success. I don't envy him for his thankless office. He will be always under the order of the military rulers of Manchuria.

11. 2월 11일

11th. Saturday. Beautiful. Cold.
Seoul home.

12. 2월 12일

12th. Sunday. Lovely―Icy cold.
Seoul home. Found a layer of snow on the ground when I opened the door about 5 a.m.

13. 2월 13일

13th. Monday. Pale a.m. Icy cold.
Seoul home. Went to the 61st birthday feast of Mr. 李建春 ‘s mother 12 to 2 p.m. On our way back, Mr. 金一善 and I, went to 團成社 to see the film entitled the Explosion in the Pacific. The U.S.N. with its air-planes and battleships etc. exhibited an exciting pictures of a naval engagement. The talks by the sailors etc. could be heard as distinctly as if they were talking to us face to face. What wonderful inventions! But it disgusted me to think that all that man has come to boast as his highest achievement in civilization etc. etc. etc. is to vie with each other to see who can kill his fellow men the greatest number in the shortest time.

14. 2월 14일

14th. Tuesday. Pale a.m. Bright. Icy cold.
Seoul home. Went to the C.C.C. by 9:05 a.m. train to attend the Spring Meeting of the Field Board Managers. The 1933~34 budget passed. Thanks to the drop of yen's value, the College has an estimated surplus of ¥32,000.00 gained in the exchange. It's ill wind that blows nobody good.
A good lunch at Dr. Underwood's home. Was disappointed that no coffee was served. Returned home about 2 p.m.
Dr. Kim Helen called about supper time. She is a charming girl; I wish she would forgive Pak In Duk. Helen is accused of being jealous of P.I.D. popularity and of the too intimated relation which P.I.D. keeps up with Hugh Cynn. It is strange that Cynn should still deep P.I.D. in his house appearing always in public in party with P., thus giving rise to all sorts of gossip. I admire Cynn's strength of character in defying public opinion etc. in this matter―but is it wise or necessary?

15. 2월 15일

15th. Wednesday. Bright. Thawing.
Seoul home. Found about 1 p.m. a layer of snow nearly an inch thick on the ground.

16. 2월 16일

16th. Thursday. Pale―Chilly.
Seoul home. confined in the room on account of a sore toe.
Helen K. and Mrs. Hong called about 8 in the night. They bitterly complained that the Y.M.C.A. (Mr. Cynn) had made P.I.D. to forestall them in the Folk High School Work for women; that this was contrary to the agreement which Y.M.C.A. had made with Y.W.C.A. concerning the work; that Cynn had planed a underhanded trick on them etc. They demanded that I promise them not to let any third party(P.I.D.) to dc the F.H.S. work for women before the Y.W.C.A. has finished its program which they expect to put into force about the middle of March. I told them to write to Dr. Cynn as, so far as I am concerned, I have always contended that the understanding of the Y.M.C.A. should be secured before the work be given to somebody else(P.I.D.) .

17. 2월 17일

17th. Friday. Pale. Mild.
Seoul home.

18. 2월 18일

18th. Saturday. Bright―Icy.
Seoul home. 12:30 lunch at Miss Appenzeller's. From 3 to 5:30 p.m. the organization meetings of the Ewha College Helping Association (梨專後援會) . The members into three classes, the Ordinary, who pay ¥10.00 up; the Extra-ordinary, who pay from ¥100.00 up; and the Sustaining who pay from ¥1,000.00 up. I subscribed ¥5,000.00 to be paid in 4 instalment.

19. 2월 19일

19th. Sunday. Bright. Mild.
Seoul home.

20. 2월 20일

20th. Monday. Pale a.m. Gloomy all day.
Seoul home.

21. 2월 21일

21st. Tuesday.
Seoul home. Big snow last night―the biggest fall of snow of this winter in Seoul―nearly 5 inch thick.
A real war seems to be in progress in Jehol, 熱河 between the Chinese troops and the Japanese army. no details are allowed to appear in the papers.

22. 2월 22일

22nd. Wednesday. Bright―Icy cold.
Seoul home. For long years I have been a fool enough to believe in, sympathize with, the tales of woe of 'deep' men who whine about crushing debts etc. But now even my dull head knows a little better. These 'deep' men's debts are in reality their most productive investiments. Positively they buy tens of thousand yens' worth of rice land, thus becoming richer every year. Negatively they use their 'debts' stories and propaganda for reduction of city taxes and for keeping off the mob of good-cause-solicitors of donations. The trick works like a charm especially when a cloak of piety regular church and prayer meeting attendance―is thrown over the 'deep' well manoeuvred schemes of getting rich by debts.
When Hong Byong Sun returned some years ago from a visit to Europe and America, he scandalized a collection of preachers and other good people by saying that his world tour had taught him that we can live only by being wicked (惡해야 산다) . Of course that was a strong language; but show me a first class power or a successful man of business―especially in Korea―who can throw the first stone at the assertion of Hong Byong Sun.

23. 2월 23일

23rd. Thursday. Gloomy most of the day.
Seoul home.

24. 2월 24일

24th. Friday. Bright―Very cold.
Seoul home. Another heavy snow last night.

25. 2월 25일

25th. Saturday. Very cold. Bright.
Seoul home. Extras report that Japan has definitely withdrawn from the League of Nation.

26. 2월 26일

26th. Sunday. Cheerless biting cold.
Seoul home.

27. 2월 27일

27th. Monday. Gloomy. Pale sun late p.m.
Seoul home. Found a thin layer of snow on the ground on opening the door early morning.
6 p.m. went to the official residence of Genl. Umesaki(梅埼) the Commander of the 20th Division(二十師團) stationed at Ryong San for supper. Besides a dozen of well known Pro―Japanese Koreans―like Han, Pak etc., there were Messrs. 宋鎭禹, 呂運亨, 金聖洙, 申興雨, 崔麟 and myself. The host―a typical Japanese military official―said that he had invited us Koreans for a social chat. Mr. 朴宰陽 who sat beside me, drank for two hours without eating anything. He said. "One may have learning and money; but will he take either with him when he dies? Let us drink and have good time. I like witness whether he will take sake and good time with him.

28. 2월 28일

28th. Tuesday. Gloomy a.m. Bright p.m.
Seoul home.
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  지식놀이터 :: 원문/전문 > 기록물 > 개인기록물 카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 2권 다음 영문 
◈ 윤치호일기 (1933년) ◈
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