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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1943년) ◈
◇ 2월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 10권)     이전 2권 다음
목   차

1. 2월 1일

1st. Monday. 晴明. 零下 12°.(舊壬牛 十二月 二十七日)
Seoul home.
10 a.m. to 12. attended the 武道大會(swordmanship contest) in Keiki Middle School. Under the old Korean system of education these youngsters would have been taught nothing but memorizing Chinese classics and wielding ink-brushes.
Called on cousin 致昭, one of the most fortunate men in whole Korea. He has nine fine children, three daughters and six sons, none of whom has given him any trouble. He is rich and strange to say the Japanese don't seem to squeeze him dry as they do some or many of us. He has a fine lot of daughters-in-law.

2. 2월 2일

2nd. Tuesday. 陰冷. 零下12°. (壬牛 十二月 二十八日)
Seoul home.
Wife had a bad spell of hard breathing and pains in her diaphragm.

3. 2월 3일

3rd. Wednesday. 晴明. 零下3°. (舊十二月 二十九日)
Seoul home.
達善(Mouk 飽山) called on me this morning. He said about 35 or more monks of the famous temple of 海仁寺 had been arrested by the local police on suspicion or charge of having formed a secret society or plan to free Korea from the grip of Japan. He further said that one of the suspects, an old man over 60 years, had been killed by torture. The man who gave the police the information, according to 達善, is a man who wants to become the abbot(住持) of Hai-In-Sa. 達善 came to Seoul about April last year to see General Minami to get his approval(and autograph) of his plan of organizing a "Great Prayer Group Composed of ten or more devout monks to pray for 10 years, night and day for the victory of the Imperial Army. He has come this time to get the autographs of General Koisoh and a few other influential officials. I advised him to dissolve the so-called Prayer Group or 大法會, as the police is very sensitive about all sorts of societies. I told him to pray for the country as individual believers and not as an organized unit. He believes that the autographs of men in power can protect him from molestations of country policemen. He is too young to have learned that a common policeman or a detective is more to be feared than the Governor-General or the Prime Minister.

4. 2월 4일

4th. Thursday. 陰冷. F. 33°.
Seoul home. Snow last night 1/2 inch.
Wife still suffers from difficulty of breathing. Swelling of her face, hands and feet haven't subsided for last three days.

5. 2월 5일

5th. Friday. 晴明. 零下 2°.
Seoul home.
This being the 1st Day of the 1st Moon of 癸未 of the lunar calendar, I stayed home writing 立春 blessings for our children.

6. 2월 6일

6th. Saturday. 雪. F. 33°.
Seoul home.
Big snow from 5:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nearly 3 inches thick.
To make Korea a Righteous Chosun(道義朝鮮) is the declared aim of our new Governor General. His motive and aim are worthy of a good and great statesman. But he will not succeed as long as his subordinates armed with life and death power, search poor farmers' cottages to seize the last handful of rice; as long as the policeman only has everything he needs; and as long as people have no means of living except by resorting to bootlegging and law breaking.

7. 2월 7일

7th. Sunday. 晴明. 零下 12°.
Seoul home.
The thick mantle of snow covering roofs, streets and hills around the city far and wide act as refrigerator cooling the air to a freezing point.
About 2 p.m. wife lost consciousness, for a moment. A timely injection revived her. She faintly whispered 딸 아들들 다리고 더 살고십퍼(I want to live longer with my daughters and sons.) . That brought tears to our eyes.

8. 2월 8일

8th. Monday. 陰晴. 零下 8°.
Seoul home.
Stalingrad still holds out. The papers of Seoul say that the Russian cut the German in the city from connections with the Germans outside. No communication between the Nazis inside the city and Hitler. Of course I don't know what all that means except that Hitler the arch demon of Europe is not having as a good and glorious time as he bragged he would.

9. 2월 9일

9th. Tuesday. 晴陰. 零下 8°.
Seoul home.
Very unpleasant weather. Bright in the morning. Then snow flakes now and then. Chilly and dark afternoon. A good bath.
What most concerns us Koreans is what will Stalin do toward Japan. It is probable that America and England are urging Russia to attack Japan. On the other hand Hitler and Mussolini must be urging Japan yields to the demands of her allies. Korea will be the first and the greatest suffer. What a glorious prospect!!!

10. 2월 10일

10th. Wednesday. 陰散. 零下 8°. (舊正月 六日)
Left Seoul home per 9:20(1ate 10:20) train for Song Do where I arrived a little past 12. Went straight to Song Do Middle School to hold an annual meeting of the Boards of Managers. The reports of last year read passed. The budget of the coming school year also approved. Mr. Kim Joon Ok submitted resignation but the managers insisted that he should stay on for a year or so longer as his resignation might throw the school into a financial chaos, Messrs. Kong Sung Hak and Kim Jung Ho two of the most influential men of the city provided they would help Kim Joon Ok in his efforts to raise a fund for the school to meet the difficiency in the budget.
Returned home by 4:30 p.m. train.
After the meeting was over I had just time enough to go to Allens' home to take luncheon.

11. 2월 11일

11th. Thursday. 晴明. 零下 3°.(舊正月 七日)
Seoul home.
Went to Chosun Shrine to attend the National Foundation Day service.

12. 2월 12일

12th. Friday. 晴明. 零下 8°.(舊正月 八日)
Seoul home.
At 3 p.m. went to Citizens' Hall to participate in the memorial service in honor of late Mr. Uzami(字佐美勝夫) . About 200 out. His Excellencies, the Governor General and the Commander of Army of Korea(by proxy) were present too. I read the condolence address representing the Korean friends of the deceased. I was deeply disappointed and grieved by the fact that very few Koreans were present. There must be a large number of young men who were indebted to the kindness and generosity of Mr. Uzami as students in Tokyo and officials in Korea. Why didn't they all come to the memorial service for the man whom we could honestly call "the friend of the Koreans?" Another instance to show the ingratitude of the Koreans.
Now what made ingratitude such a deep rooted vice among the Koreans? It is parasitism. For parasitism, the habit or custom of living on the charity of relatives and friends, is regarded not a disgrace but a previlege, nay, a right. This dangerous custom of habit owes its origin to the misunderstanding and misapplication of the Confucian ethics which inculcates the charity of helping and supporting poor relatives and friends. Hence the more relatives and friends one help or supports the more virtuous he is. The helper may be more virtuous but by his virtuousness, the helped relatives and friends are beggars in material and moral values. Not only so, this parasitism, the curse of the Korean society begot the vices of ingratitude, laziness, inefficiency and unreliability. For the parasites say "Why should we say thanks to anyone whose duty it is to help us and from whom we have inalienable right to demand help and support? All the other vices follow as inevitable consequences.
Until the Koreans are taught to regard living on the charity of relatives or friends as a disgrace so long will they continue to be lazy, unreliable and ungrateful.

13. 2월 13일

13th. Saturday. 晴明. 零下 8°. (癸未 正月 九日)
Seoul home.
With 永善 and 光善 visited the grave of my Angel 秀珍 at Yang Wha Jin Cemetery by way of 唐人里 12 p.m.

14. 2월 17일

17th. Wednesday. 陰鬱. 零點. (舊癸未 正月 十三日)
Seoul home. Cheerless day.
Went to Citizens' Hall at noon where about a dozen of Korean friends of Mr. 丸山鶴吉 were gathered to see the little pictures, caligraphs, poems etc. which had been sent in as a token of our gratitude and love in congratulation of his services as the Director of Police in the critical years of 大正八年 (1901 and 1920) and his unwavering kindness to Korean students and visitors in Japan proper: The pictures etc. were collected in three beautiful volumes. Certainly it is a dignified and appreciative present to Mr. Maruyama.

15. 2월 18일

18th. Thursday. 晴明. 零下 5°. (癸未 正月 十四日)
Seoul home.
Last night or rather this morning, between 3 and 5, I had a dream in which I saw my mother in a house not familiar to me. When I told her I was hurrying home to see wife at the point of dying, she gave me a bunch of keys. As I was putting the keys in a little hand-bag, mother said (도라가기넌 왜 도라가 더 계시다 가지 않고?) (Why die? Why don't live a longer?)
A friend or schoolmate of our 瑛姬 recommended a Chinese medicine doctor(□□□□) who cured her mother from similar disease. Against my wishes a 帖 of the Chinese medicine was given to wife.

16. 2월 19일

19th. Friday. 晴明. 零下 8°. (癸未 正月 十五日)
About a week or so ago, in a dream I sow wife having in her hand a small basket half full of peaches which she said she was going to give it to our mother. Then she took out one ripe peach and ate it. I took the basket and the peaches all turned into beautiful silver spoons and chopsitcks. I said what's use of giving all to mother? So saying I took about half of the spoons and sticks and wrapped them in a handkerchief and awoke. As the symptoms of wife's condition are becoming serious, these dreams, bizer as they are, seem rather strange.
The Chinese medicine effected a purge of wife's bowels and kidney last night.

17. 2월 20일

20th. Saturday. 晴明. 零下 8°. (癸未 正月 十六日)
Seoul home.
The swellings of wife's hands, feet and face altogether subsided after the thorough purge so that she can now breathe easily and take some liquid food. Wonderful!
Of late the intense nationalism of Japan talks a great deal about the spirit of Japan(日本精神) . The spirit of National Foundation(肇國精神) , the spirit of Imperial Way(皇道精神) , the Essence or Flower of National Structure(國體ノ精□) . One is bewildered to know just what it is. For my own satisfactory I take the definition given by 大川周明 whose wonderfully good history of Japan I have read with so much leasure and profit. He says that the true meaning of the Spirit of Japan is (1) the will to unify; (2) the will to direct or manage or dominate; (3) the will to be superior. (日本精神ノ眞寬相ハ (1) ノ統一,ノ薏思 (2) 支配ノ薏志, (3) 優越, 薏思デァル) In accepting 大川ꡑs definition as all sufficient for me I may add that this spirit is the spirit that animates and motivates the German race, the Russian race in fact all races who have made is their racial or national policy or aim to conquer or subjugate their weak neighbors. Hence the Spirit of Japan is the Spirit of Conquest and Domination.

18. 2월 21일

21st. Sunday. 癸未 正月 十七日

19. 2월 22일

22nd. Monday. 陰冷. 令下 60°.
Seoul home.
This morning's Keijo Nippo published the gist of Goebel(?) , the German Propaganda minister's speech he had delivered on the 18th inst. The Nazi's minister frankly admits that Germany had underrated the immense fighting, strength of Russia, that the German troops had to retreat from the eastern front and that Europe is in grave danger of being overwhelmed by Bolshevism. He further said that Germany is determined to fight the Bolshevik's advance to the east. The Seoul paper suggests that the Bolshevik peril is so imminent and great that all the neutral powers of western Europe ought to rise as one man to help Hitler against Russia. But what country is there in western Europe to rise to the help of beloved Hitler? He gobbled up Poland, Austria, Czecho-slovakia. He invaded, plundered and enslaved the little states like Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway.
To call on these nations to help Hitler sounds like asking people to rescue a murderous their or robber who has plundered and beaten and kicked them without mercy.
Just as Japan pulled herself out from the miserable League of Nations to have a free hand in Manchuria, I wish Japan would now free herself from the entangling alliance with Hitler so that Japan can act independently in the Pacific affairs.

20. 2월 24일

24th. Wednesday. 晴明. 零下 5°. (癸未 正月 二十日)
Seoul home.
Wife's actual sickness seems to have been cured. But she still complaining of pains in her breast.

21. 2월 25일

25th. Thursday. 零下 5°. (癸未 正月 二十一日)

22. 2월 27일

27th. Saturday. 陰冷. 零下 5°. (癸未 正月 二十三日)
Seoul home.
At 1:30 p.m. went to Keijo Hotel where a so-called round table conference was called by Messrs. Yi Kak Jong, Ryang Joo Sam(?) , Jung In Kwa and Pyon. The topic to be discussed was: "How to destroy America and England." A score of Koreans who had been abroad (to America and England) were invited. The Army, the police and the General Mobilization (國力總聯盟) of National Forces were well represented.

23. 2월 28일

28th. Sunday.
Under the heading: How to rectify the erroneous understanding of the American and English peoples so as to highten the sense of indignation and anger against them, Jang Duk Soo and Jo Pyong Ok spoke. Mr. Jang who speaks Japanese well suggested that the authorities concerned should publish or propagandize more of the actual details of the battles now being fought on land and on sea and that the attitude or plans of the Government for the independence of Burma and Philippines etc. should be clearly stated and enacted. Mr. Jo said that while the Koreans should make up their minds to loyal soldiers the Government should give hopes to the Koreans that they could become the Prime Minister or envoy or an Ambassador. These remarks gave a very bad impression to Mr. Yagi, the 保安課長 and to General 波田.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1943년) ◈
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