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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1932년) ◈
◇ 1월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     처음◀ 1권 다음
목   차

1. 1월 1일

1st. Friday. Pale sun.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Seoul home. Mild―Quite a bit of snow last night. Paid card visits to a few prominent officials of the Government Genl. who are members of the Saturday Club. 4 p.m. attended the new year supper of the 啓明 Club. One of the articles of faith of the Club is to observe the first day of the Solar Calendar instead of that of the Lunar Calendar.

2. 1월 2일

2nd. Saturday. Sunshine. Mild.
Seoul home. With 珽善, 瑛姬, and 兪鎭采 took lunch at the Lily Garden.
A Korean scholar 李書求, pen-name 薑山 who lived a hundred years ago, is said to have left a prophetic poem which runs as follows:
扶桑日出向咸池 "Japan expands toward West China Glory
午未揚光申酉稜 in 庚午 and 辛未(1930~31) but (the sun)
洋觸秋藩誰可觧 begins to set in 壬申 and 癸酉(32~33~34) .
猿啼春柎鬼難知 The offensive is launched in the Autumn
一天風雨鷄明夜 of 辛未(1931) and war cry is heard in the
萬國醒羶犬吠時 Spring of 壬申(1932) . Japan alone will be
泰談個中生活口 the centre of storm in 癸酉(1933~34) but
叢林飛鳥下疎口 a world war will burst out in 甲戌(or 1934~35) , those who seek a safety zone may find it where birds fly from thick bush to sit on lonely hedges."
Mr. Shortwell wrote in 1928: "If the student of politics were to search the world over for that area which presents the greatest menace to international peace, he would probably select Manchuria and judging this situation in the light of all past history. One would be led to only one conclusion that of an inevitable conflict in the not distant future.

3. 1월 3일

3rd. Sunday. Cloud a.m. Bright late p.m.
Seoul home. Mild as early Spring.

4. 1월 4일

4th. Monday. Cloud―Mild―sun now and then.
Seoul home.
The order I get, the deeper I realize that every good and perfect gift is from God―not as a matter of course but as a matter of agreeable surprize. All calculations, all plans even all prayers, so far as their realizations are concerned―are simply useless. To expect and then not to get it is a double disappointment. Hence I repeat; Don't calculate; don't play; don't expect; don't pray even except that prayer of the publican which is applicable to everybody, everywhere, the Lord's prayer which is as grand as it is universal―all in the spirit as taught in Philippians II 6~7. Trust in God and keep your power dry is the highest wisdom. Neglecting either would be a presumptuous sin.

5. 1월 5일

5th. Tuesday. Beautiful.
With 璋善, 琦善 and 明燮 went to 溫陽 by the 8:40 a.m. train. Arriving there about 11:50 had a good bath. Going to the old 邑內 about 2 p.m. Paid our respect to our father's grave and returned to the springs about 4. Another bath. Left 溫陽 by 6:50 p.m. train. Arrived Seoul 10:30.
The weather is more like that of late March or early April than that of early January. The Han river has no ice at all.

6. 1월 6일

6th. Wednesday. Cloud-Too mild for winter.
Seoul home. The papers predict that storms and severe cold weather are to visit us in a few days.

7. 1월 7일

7th. Thursday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home. Snow about 1/2 an inch on the ground.

8. 1월 8일

8th. Friday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home. In the name of the Emperor, the Minister of House-hold Department 宮內大臣 sent ¥3,000.00 to the 京城保育國. Dr. 吳兢善 tells me that the 保育園 and a charitable institution in Fusan are only two beneficiaries of the Imperial bounty. I called on the Director of the Home Dept(內務局長) , and the Chief of the Social Bureau(社會課長) a little past 12, to express my thanks for the gracious gift of His Imperial Majesty to the institution of which I am the president.

9. 1월 9일

9th. Saturday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home. An early Extra announced the sudden resignation of the Seiyukai Cabinet. Later Extras reported that a Korean had thrown a hand grenade at the Imperial carriage as the the Emperor was returning to the palace from the grand review about 11:30 yesterday morning. The missile struck the lower part of the back right wheel of the carriage occupied by the Minister of Household Dept.
A late Extra announces that H.M. didn't accept the resignation of the Cabinet―which is perfectly comme il faut.

10. 1월 10일

10th. Sunday. Pretty―Cold.
Seoul home. Worshipped at the 宗橋 Church. Rev. 金鍾宇 preached a good sermon. Hear Mr. 林蚩正 died last night. He was one of the six men who were convicted of the Conspiracy Case and were sentenced to six years of imprisonment. They were 李昇薰, 安泰國, 梁起鐸, 林蚩正, 王觀彬 and myself.

11. 1월 11일

11th. Monday. Cloud and sun―Cold.
Seoul home.
A missionary defender of the Japanese policy in Manchuria says among other things that the Japanese are not a militaristic people. Now my Standard Dictionary defines militarism as "the giving of medal prominence to military training and military glory". Does the missionary know that the "Sword" the symbol of militarist―is one of the supereme objects of divine worship―enshrined in the great Shinto temples of Japan? Who is more honored in Japan than a military hero? Is there any form of training more emphasized in Japan than military training? Now I don't say that the Japanese are wrong in being war-like or militaristic but that missionary who contends that the Japanese are not militaristic either doesn't know Japan or says an untruth.

12. 1월 12일

12th. Tuesday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home.

13. 1월 13일

13th. Wednesday. Bright―Cold.
Seoul home. 11 a.m. attended the funeral service for Mr. 林蚩正 at his home. Then went outside of the Small East Gate―the Mi-ra-ri Cemetary―where his remains were buried. Returning to the city about 1:30 p.m. took lunch at 百合園 with Superintendant Ryang and Pastor 金昌俊.

14. 1월 14일

14th. Thursday. Pale sun―Mild, windy.
Seoul home. 6:30 p.m. went to the Chosen Hotel to attend the Ladies' Night entertainment given by the University Club.

15. 1월 15일

15th. Friday. Cloud and sunshine.
Seoul home.

16. 1월 16일

16th. Saturday. Bright. Mild.
Seoul home. 3 p.m. the 在滿同胞問題協議會 held a condolatory for the dead among the Korean refugees in Manchuria. The large auditorium of the Central Y. was packed. A solumn hush prevailed over the premiscuous mass of people. The silence was so undisturbed that a pin drop could be heard for more than an hour. Interesting, that such organizations as the 同民會 or Assimilation Society; 國民會 or Japan-Extention Society: 滿蒙權益擁護會 or the Society for the Protections of the Rights and Interests of the Koreans in Manchuria were not represented. The great crowd was distinctly composed of the common people, students and other men of patriotic sentiment. Another fact that interested me was that none of the condolatory addresses was dated by the japanese―say 昭和七年, but most of them used the Christianera―say 1932. A few of them used the old cyclic name of the year 壬申, while one fellow dropped the year entirely and simply said the 16th day of the 1st month.
6 p.m. with wife, 珽善, 恩姬, 文姬 and her husband to 明月館 to attend the Welcome Supper given in honor of Dr. Kim Helen. 118 guests―the largest crowd ever seen for such occasions.

17. 1월 17일

17th. Sunday. Bright. Mild.
Seoul home. Worshipped at the 宗矯 Church. Went to 昌慶園 to see our boys skate. Wife and children enjoyed the outing.

18. 1월 18일

18th. Monday. Snow from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Seoul home. Pretty sunshine p.m.

19. 1월 19일

19th. Tuesday. Cloud and sun.
Seoul home.

20. 1월 20일

20th. Wednesday. Lovely―Mild.
Seoul home.

21. 1월 21일

21st. Thursday. Smoky―dark a.m. Mild.
Seoul home.
Supper at Dr. Noble's home. Dr. Cynn, Miss Kim Helen, Miss Hong Esther, Mrs. Cynn, Mr. and Mrs. Bonwick, Dr. N. and his wife havestood the work and climate of Korea well. Mrs. N. one of the prettiest American women in Korea has preserved her beauty wonderfully well. She looks almost as young now as she looked twenty years ago―yet they have been in Korea forty years.

22. 1월 22일

22nd. Friday. Smoky a.m. Bright p.m.
Seoul home.

23. 1월 23일

23rd. Saturday. Beatutiful.
Left Seoul 9:05 a.m. for Song Do. Got there 10:30 to attend a meeting of the Board of Control of the S.H.C.S. Lunch at home. Returned to Seoul per 4:08 p.m. train.

24. 1월 24일

24th. Sunday. Smoky―Chilly a.m. Lovely p.m.
Seoul home.
There is a Nero in every human heart. The difference between a saint and a sinner is that a saint keeps the Nero within bounds by reason and conscience while a sinner lets him lose. Nine out of ten men(and women too) are prevented from becoming Neroes by fear of resentment or resistance. Oh the part of those over whom they have prove to tyranize. Remove that fear you have ten Neroes out of every then men or women. It is fear and not love that keeps this world a tolerable place to live in. It is a painful fact the moment a person has somebody to tyranize over he or she at once becomes a tyrant. Witness men and women who oppress and torment their little children or their daughter-in-laws.

25. 1월 25일

25th. Monday. Smoky―Dark a.m.
Seoul home. Went to 昌慶園 to see out children enjoy skating.
Entertained to a Korean supper at 6 p.m. Misses Appenzeller, Baker, Kim Helen, Kim Hanna, Yun Sung Duk and Mrs. Maynor.
Wife didn't see anything in K. Helen but the uncomeliness of the bobbed hair and a little excessive powdering.

26. 1월 26일

26th. Tuesday. Lovely.
Seoul home.
Newspaper reports show that there is constant exchange of warnings and counter warnings, charges and counter charges between the Japanese officials, civil and military in Shanghai and the Chinese authorities. I am sure Japan is preparing for another leap in Shanghai, similar to that she made in Mukden. China is so huge that she does not seem to feel the Japanese racketeering in Manchuria any more than a whale does pinpricks. Hence Japan wants to fasten her teeth on some part of China that will make her howl for peace.
Right or wrong Japan has given an ample proof to the world that she is a dangerous and uncomfortable neighbor. When her interests so demand she doesn't scruple at murdering a queen in her own chamber; or blowing up a ruler of three great provinces in a Japanese train or jumping on unsuspecting parties like they did in Mukden last September. Then the silence, the secrecy and the thoroughness with which she prepares for such sudden leaps. She has also given a precedent of making war on a neighbor without a declaration of war.

27. 1월 27일

27th. Wednesday. Smoky a.m. Lovely p.m.
Seoul home.

28. 1월 28일

28th. Thursday. Lovely.
Seoul home.

29. 1월 29일

29th. Friday. Cloud. Chilly to the bone.
Seoul home. Extras report that early this morning the Japanese troops in Shanghai have begun military operations against the anti-Japanese Chinese in "self-defence", of course. Well, Japan has, at last, sprung at the throat of China. But Shanghai is not only a vital spot in the body politic of China, but it is a vital spot in the commercial and diplomatic organisms of the great naval powers of the West-or rather of the world, Viz: England, America and France. Will this stunt of Japan be looked on by the intensely interested nations of the West with mere curiosity? Certainly Japan has jumped on a tiger all right.

30. 1월 30일

30th. Saturday. Dull―Chilly.
Seoul home. 7 p.m. with wife and Mary went to the Municipal Hall(公會堂) to see the entertainments―dance and short comedies―staged there by the Reporter's Club(口口團) to get money for the relief of the Korean sufferers in Manchuria. The Hall was comfortably filled. The dancers Miss 崔承喜 and her troupe gave a series of pantomimic shows―the subject of motives of them being; (1) Freedom from Religion; (2) Land-hunger; (3) Rough roads; (4) Sad note; (5) Advance without fear. The entire program was Bolshevic in spirit and action. Miserable girls, do they think Bolshevism will make them happier?

31. 1월 31일

31st. Sunday. Pale sun. Chilly.
Seoul home. Mr. Cynn called. He tells me that the Chosun-Ilpo 朝鮮日報 misappropriated ¥5,000.00 of the money which the people all over the country had sent to that paper for the relief of the Korean refugees in Manchuria; that the date for forwarding the fund to the Social Work Bureau of the Government had expired yesterday; and that if the paper fails to send the money to the Bureau tomorrow, Mr. 安在鴻 the Editor-in-Chief will be in danger of being arrested for misusing a public fund. Mr. Cynn gently asks me if I would be good enough to give Mr. 安 ¥5,00.00.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1932년) ◈
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