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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1924년) ◈
◇ 7월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 7권 다음
목   차

1. 7월 1일

1st. Tuesday. Cloudy and sun. Sultry.
Seoul home. A vigorous down pour from about 4 p.m.
The Japanese nation will long remember this day―a day of national disgrace, as the Japanese Exclusion Bill in America goes into effect from today. Speeches, demonstrations, resolutions even suicides in protest against the unfair Bill are much in evidence in Tokyo and other Japanese centre of population. But the final arbitrator of the issue between Japan and America will not be Who is right? But who is stronger? All these conflicts between nations and races are not a warfare between the different colors of the skin but the everlasting fight between the human nature of one people and the human nature of another.

2. 7월 2일

2nd. Wednesday. Rain. Sultry.
Left Seoul 12:10 p.m. train with wife and children, except 文姬 and 恩姬.
"Proletariat of the World Unite!" is the battle cry and the motto of Socialists of labor organizations etc. Just behold how tenderly and lovingly united the American laborers and the Japanese proletariats! They say the commonwealths of Australia and of New Zealand are socialistically governed. Yet they are dead against non-white laborers. It is not in religion alone that man has succeeded making more ornaments of beautiful maxims―beautiful to look at but practically unused in the rough and tumble work-a-day-life.

3. 7월 3일

3rd. Thursday. Cloud. Sultry.
Song Do home. Four men representing the 學父兄 called on me this morning to talk about the means and ways for an amicable settling of the strike. After two hours' fruitless talking I had to say: "The main question with us, the authorities of the school, is 'who is to run this institution, the strikers or the authorities? I have been here only a year, but I have already changed four teachers whom we thought to be inefficient. I have told the boys that 1 would do everything that can be done, but that I must not be asked to do what is impossible. I have been too yielding. The 4th and 3rd year boys seem to regard my concessions as signs of weakness. I don't want to stay a day longer in this school under the constant fear of ultimatums and of strikes. The strikers must go."

4. 7월 4일

4th. Friday. Rain. Sultry.
Song Do home. School strikes spread like wild fire. At present there are 5 Public Common Schools and 7 Higher Common Schools (3 of which are Public 公立 or Government 官立) were strikes are in various stages of development. The Japanese authorities seem to take very indifferent attitude toward this serious movements.
I firmly believe that there are justifiable strikes precisely as there are justifiable insurrection. But indiscriminate and unreasonable strikes are as fully harmful as indiscriminate and unreasonable insurrections. Both must be dealt with big stick. But these strikes hurt the Koreans more than anybody else. The Japanese let them alone just as they connive at morphine, gambling, vagabondism; mootangism simply because they hurt the Koreans. There was some sincerity in Terauchi's regime.

5. 7월 5일

5th. Saturday. Rain. Sultry.
Song Do home.

6. 7월 6일

6th. Sunday. Bright. Hot.
Song Do home. Left Song Do 5:45 p.m. with 璋善. One of whose teeth needs treatment.
The 時代日報 which Mr. 崔南善 started on the send bank of promises is already in trouble. 崔南善 and 秦學文 entered into a secret treaty with 普天敎 to hand over the whole plant to that sect on the condition that a debt of 10,000 yen which 崔 and 秦 had contracted on account of 東明週報, should be paid by 普天敎.

7. 7월 7일

7th. Monday. Bright. Hot.
Seoul home. 重役會 at 彰文社 4 p.m. 洪秉璇 reported the result of his negotiations with the 東亞印刷所 whose plant we desire to secure. The agreement arrived at was that the whole plant―machinery and building etc. to be appraised at ¥14,500.00 that we would pay ¥7,000.00 in cash, and ¥7,500.00 in shares (600 shares) . We decided to ratify the agreement.
Mr. 洪 was further authorized to negotiate with 染在璣 for turning over to 彰文社 his bookstore now housed in one of the rented rooms of Central Y. and for securing Mr. 染 for our 支配人.

8. 7월 8일

8th. Tuesday. Beautiful. Hot.
Left Seoul 12:10 p.m. train for Song Do.
The Korean newspaper and magazine writers seem to believe that mankind―especially the Korean mankind―can be roughly divided into six classes, three of them all bad and the rest all good. To the former belongs rich people who are all wicked, old people who are all foolish and husbands who are all mean; while all poor people are virtuous, all young people are wise and all women are good. These crude half Marxians and half as-ian notions fill every page of the Korean dailies making the poor proud; the young rebellious and the fair sex conceited. The strikes―which are so fashionable among the Korean students are largely a product of the newspaper propaganda of the Russian type of Socialism.

9. 7월 9일

9th. Wednesday. Bright. Hot.
Song Do home.

10. 7월 10일

10th. Thursday. Misty and rain most of the day. Hot.
Song Do home. From 2 p.m. the 松高後援會 or Patron's Association held a meeting in the Indoor Gym. to devise plans for the settlement of the strike. They first appointed a Committee to ask me, the Principal, to issue an unconditional pardon to the boys expelled. When I told them that could not be done, the meeting, after a long and stormy session―in which only three or four hot heads indulged in talks that tended to inflame the feelings of the hearers against the school, decided to hold another meeting on the 25th July―inviting the parents of the boys who have been expelled therefore who are no longer the students of the school. The 後援會 has assumed a definitely hostile attitude toward us.

11. 7월 11일

11th. Friday. Bright. Very hot.
Left Song Do 11 a.m. train with 璋善 for Seoul.
Hear that Dr. Reid dismissed yesterday Dr. 許鏞 for three reasons: 1. He has among his friends a brothel keeper; 2. He had incurred a debt of ¥2,000.00. 3. He suborned other Korean doctors to demand a raise on their salaries. I don't think any or all of these charges―even if they, were true, are serious enough to justify Dr. 許's dismissal, certainly not serious enough to justify Dr. R's sacrificing the future of a young man. I understand 廬哲愚 in whom Dr. R. has absolute confidence and who was responsible for the ruin of Dr. 金基炯 is again ruining Dr. 許 for some personal reasons. Dr. Reid will never secure the service of a real bright man this way.

12. 7월 12일

12th. Saturday. Cloudy p.m. Sultry.
Seoul home. Rain from 2:30 p.m. So much rain here but farmers complain of a severe drought in the South.

13. 7월 13일

13th. Sunday. Rain. Sultry.
Song Do home. Rain all day. Worshipped at the 東門禮拜堂, now temporarily held in the School Gymnasium. The pastor, Mr. 朴 tried to prove by Scripture texts that God has physical features similar to those of man. Wiser men than the good pastor Pak have found it better not to fool with so great a mystery.

14. 7월 14일

14th. Monday. Clear. Sultry.
Song Do home.

15. 7월 15일

15th. Tuesday. Bright. Sultry.
Song Do home.

16. 7월 16일

16th. Wednesday. Bright. Sultry.
Song Do home. Received a letter from Candler dated June 12th.
As if the weather were not hot enough, as if I didn't have enough to worry me in the School and the 彰文社 etc, wife's temper and tongue are insufferably hot. Scolding, and nagging are her mode of taking. She has actually six persons to slave for her―her ideal of womanly paradise is to do nothing. To fetch a thing a foot away from her, she calls a servant to do it. She is angry all the same―mealtimes not excepted. She is a heartless, thoughtless, mannerless and thankless creature. She compels me to ask time and again. "Could God be good and create man with nature so mean and vile?" However that may be, I have certainly the unenviable honor of having for wife a woman who never reads a word of book year in and year out; who hardly says a dozen kind words in twelve months; who has not a word of appreciation for hundreds of kind acts and favors yet who spares no epithets of the bitterest sort for any sign of slight, however unintentional; who is, in short, absolutely wicked because she is absolutely selfish. For the sake of my precious children who must not see any open quarrel between her and me, I have to bear with all her abominations in silence and pain.

17. 7월 17일

17th. Thursday. Dull sunshine. Sultry.
Song Do home.

18. 7월 18일

18th. Friday. Rain. Sultry.
Left Song Do 11 a.m. with 璋善 for Seoul. Showers coming and going. Hear no rain in 全羅, 忠淸 and large part of 慶尙 provinces. If this year proves to be a year of notable famine, the only people to gain by will be the Japanese who will buy out the entire South for a mere song. Nature and Man seem to conspire to promote the interests of the Japanese in Korea. Thus the poor Koreans are between the deep of the Russian Bolshevism on one hand and the devil of the Japanese grab-all-ism, on the other.
At 4 p.m. 彰文社 重役會. Decided to employ Mr. 染在璣 as our 營業部長 to have charge of the press and the book store. Mr. 洪秉璇 was asked to act as 常務取締役. Mr. 松□鉉 our book keeper was promoted our 庶務部長.
Mr. 朴勝鳳 by refusing to sign in time a document the Local Court fined each 取締役 5 yen. 金正基 being another rascal who necessitated this penalty by refusing to sign, it was suggested the aggregate amount of the fine, ¥60.00 should be paid by 朴 and 金. Upon which Pak shamelessly and loudly refused to do anything of the kind. The perverse obstinacy of 朴 is often criminal. Yet this man goes about praying and preaching the love of Christ!

19. 7월 19일

19th. Saturday. Rain. Sultry.
Seoul home. Showers all day long with intervals of clear sky.
Left Seoul 5:05 p.m. train with 璋善 and 文姬 for Song Do.

20. 7월 20일

20th. Sunday. Rain. Cool.
Song Do home. Tremendous rain all last night and this morning. Terrific rain all p.m. and whole night. Electric light out about 10 p.m.

21. 7월 21일

21st. Monday. Rain. Cool.
Song Do home. Yesterday and night rain is the biggest and the worst that I have seen in Song Do. The 兵橋 bridge which was rebuilt last year at the cost of a thousand yen is no more, while the good broad road between the 高麗橋 and the 兵橋 is more than half ruined. The stream over which the 兵橋 bridge stood is now flooded with muddy water converting the fields on both sides of the road into lakes. The main South Gate street was last night flooded 3or 4 ft. deep, the houses on both sides being half underwater. Trains between Song Do and Seoul stopped last night.
Misty rain whole day.

22. 7월 22일

22nd. Tuesday. Clear. Steamy.
Song Do home. Welcome sunshine. Both sides of the South Gate street from 兵橋 to □橋 present heartrending sight―piles of mud scraped from 溫突 rooms, of water soaked clothes, books, salt and dried fish etc. strewn along the street. The well-to-do homes on the central canal have gone through the immersion reducing silk dresses and cotton-wadded clothes to unsightly heaps of rags. The oldest man can't remember having ever seen anything so bad in Song Do before. This calamity is almost entirely chargeable to the criminal neglect of the authorities and the no less criminal carelessness of the people who have allowed sand to accumulate throughout the entire length and breadth of the two main canals which function as the outlets for the mountain torrents. At present the beds of these canals are almost on the same level with the streets. It will not be the fault of the water, if it run through the streets filling every room on both sides of the canals and of the streets, next time we have a big rain. The Japanese authorities will soon enough fix all this right―if there were many Japanese who suffer from these floods. But the sufferings and losses of the Koreans―what does it matter to the Japanese?

23. 7월 23일

23rd. Wednesday. Showery. Steamy.
Song Do home. Showers on and off in the a.m. No trains. No papers. Steady rain all p.m. Torrential in the night.

24. 7월 24일

24th. Thursday. Cloudy. Cool.
Song Do home. Torrential rain last night. The South Gate street over-run with flood a foot hight midnight.
Misty rain in the morning. Clear and cool p.m.

25. 7월 25일

25th. Friday. Rain. Steamy.
Song Do home. Rain again whole day and night.

26. 7월 26일

26th. Saturday. Rain. Cool.
Song Do home. Rain again whole day and night.

27. 7월 27일

27th. Sunday. Rain.
Song Do home. Terrific rain between 2 and 7 a.m. swivelling the streams to an impassable volume.

28. 7월 28일

28th. Monday. Clear. Hot.
Song Do home. Blue sky―white clouds―bright sunshine in the morning.

29. 7월 29일

29th. Tuesday. Bright. Hot.
Left Song Do with 璋善 11 a.m. train for Seoul. The Seoul―Uiju line resumed its scheduled running today.

30. 7월 30일

30th. Wednesday. Beautiful. Very hot.
Seoul home.

31. 7월 31일

31st. Thursday. Beautiful. Very hot.
Left Seoul with 璋善 12:10 p.m. train for Song Do.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1924년) ◈
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