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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1935년) ◈
◇ 11월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 11권 다음
목   차

1. 11월 1일

1st. Friday. Lovely.
Seoul home. 3:30 p.m. went to the Chosen Hotel with our Margaret, where the alumni Association of the Seoul Girls' Higher Common School gave a tea party in commemoration of the anniversary of the establishment of that school and also in honor of the Principal Mr. Komoto and 5 other teachers who have just completed tenth year of continued service in that institution. That school has a warm spot in my heart because our dear Mary, Grace and Margaret have graduated from there.

2. 11월 2일

2nd. Saturday. Cloudy.
Seoul home. Mr. Yun Kuk Yung, the brother of Yun Taik Yung who died in Peking the other day, is a firm believer in geomancy. He has spent tens of thousands of yen in hunting for auspicious sites for graves. He believes that a grave site just above the tomb of one of our ancestors in Jang Dan is so good that he whose remains get interred there will produce descendants who will become Kings or emperors. So Yun D.Y. and his family have decided to bury the deceased father of Queen Yun, in that lucky spot. But majority of our clan who live in Seoul and Jang Dan are opposed to this because the Korean notions of morality don't approve of buring a descendant above the remains of his ancestors. Yet who can prevent Yun Duk Yung from carrying out his foolish plans backed as he is by the Prince Yi's Household and the almighty Government General? About 30 members of our clan met at cousin No. 2's home this afternoon from 2 to 6. The consensus of opinion was that every member of the clan disaproves of Yun D. Y's action but that no formal opposition was necessary because nobody could keep him from his designs. So far I am personally concerned I don't care anything about it, no way or another.

3. 11월 3일

3rd. Sunday. Rain.
Seoul home. Rain from midnight all morning―like summer rain.

4. 11월 4일

4th. Monday. Lovely.
Left Seoul 8 a.m. train for the Jang Dan Station where the last farewell ceremony in honor of the remains of Mr. Yun Taik Yung was held 10―11. The funeral procession was altogether of the old style―noisy, clumsy, expensive. One or two things that arrested a passing attention. (1) The title-banner(銘旌) which heads the funeral procession had no official titles such as Marquis, or degree of Rank and of Merit. No Korean titles either. (2) A number of the Red [ Sect(紅萬字敎) were present with little banners bearing ] sign. This strange, new so-called religious organization came from Manchuria. Mr. Yun Duk Yung had the whim to patronize this sect for reasons best known to himself by lending his pompous house on the hill of Song Suk Won(松石院) and donating much money to its devotees―Chinese and Koreans.
Returned to Seoul 12:24 p.m. train.
With wife went to 天香院 Restaurant 6 p.m. where the members of Business Women's Association gave a farewell supper to Pak In Duk. I was only man present among a score of women.

5. 11월 5일

5th. Tuesday. Lovely.
Seoul home. An interview 3 p.m. with Mr. Tanaka, the Chief of Higher Police Section of the Provincial Police Office. He said the authorities are going to organize an Ex-convics' Relief Association. They want a number of Japanese and Korean citizens to finance it!

6. 11월 6일

6th. Wednesday. Lovely.
Seoul home. From 9:30 a.m. yesterday a meeting of the General Secretaries of the city Y.M.C.A.'s in Korea was held in the Central Y. Secretaries from Ham Hung, Wonsan, Sun Chun, Pyong Yang, Kwang-Ju, Kim Chun and Jung Ju came. I entertained them to a luncheon at the Wha Soon Restaurant. Evening session from 7:30 to 10 after a supper at Myong Wol Kwan given by Mr. Barnhart.
This morning the General Secretaries' Meeting had its morning session in the Y. from 9:30. The Central Y. gave the lunch at the Yung Bo Restaurant. From 2 p.m.-the session began and adjourned 5:30. The meeting was a success in that for the first time in many years. The secretaries from different parts of the country had come together for the free and unreserved exchange of opinions discussing plans―some feasible and other unpracticable. Socially all felt it was good to have come to such a meeting.

7. 11월 7일

7th. Thursday. Cloudy.
Seoul home. The secretaries from the country of the Christian leaders of the country to take a step toward solving the Christian Messenger problem without appealing to law.

8. 11월 8일

8th. Friday. Bright―Mind.
Seoul home. 8 a.m. accompanied our Grace to Shin Chon Station from where she and her classmates left on a music recital tour. Called on Yu Uk Kyum in his office. He is also of the opinion that a legal step should be taken against Jun Pil Soon for his brazen faced robbery of the Christian Messenger.
Miss Kim Melissa tells me that Pak In Duk left Seoul 10 p.m. on the 6th. 申興雨, 全弼淳, 沈明燮, 金基淵, 朴淵西, 鄭聖釆, 洪秉德, most of them with their wives were out to see her off. These being the leading eights. The notorious Positive League. Pak In Duk can't deny that she is one of them. Miss Melissa K. further tells me that a Choong Ang Il Po man came in a great haste just before the train pulled out and handed P.I.D. two boxes of cards―of which Miss Kim took. They were P.I.D.'s name cards with her title as the Special Correspondant for the Choong Ang Il Po. Thus Yuh Woon Hyong is hand and glove with the Positive rascals.

9. 11월 9일

9th. Saturday. Pretty. Mild.
Seoul home. More like a balmy spring day than a winter day.
7:30 p.m. to the Pai Chai Auditorium where the 4th Annual all Korea Secondary School English Declamation Contest was staged. I was one of the 5 judges. A shower 7~8. Returned home about 9:30.

10. 11월 10일

10th. Sunday. Lovely. Mild.
Seoul home. Bishop and Mrs. Moors with two children, Dr. and Mrs. Quillian and Mrs. McKenry reached Seoul yesterday afternoon 3:20 from Japan. Dr. Quillian preached in the Jong Kyo Church.
2 p.m. went to the Municipal Hall(公會堂) to be present at the wedding ceremony celebrated for Im Ik Soon, the elder son of Dr. Im Myong Jai and Miss Yi Moon Kyong, the 2nd daughter of Yi Byong Hui.
Invited to a sukiyaki supper Messrs. Ryang, Yu U.K., Koo J.O., Oh K.S., Miss Helen K. and my cousin, Chi Yung at the Yodogawa restaurant.
The evening paper reports that a Japanese marine was shot dead in a General Settlement Shanghai on the inst. and that the situation in Shanghai is very much like that which prevailed that city just before the famous Shanghai incident.

11. 11월 11일

11th. Monday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Cold enough for fire in the mornings for the last three days.
The Executive Committee of the C.L.S. met in the Board Room at 4:30 p.m. After some discussion on Mr. Yu U. K.'s suggestion to file a suit against Jun Pil Soon, it was moved and carried to ask the Executive Committee of the Christian Messenger Board to adapt such measures at it see fit for the recovery of the lost Messenger.

12. 11월 12일

12th. Tuesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Confined to room with a touch of malaria(몸살) .
Barnhart who duting the last 15 years has degraded himself by the part of a valet for Cynn, seems to continue his loyalty to that schemer. Barnhart certainly fights shy of me and no wonder. He helped Cynn to drive away Nash, Koo Ja Ok, Hyon Dong Wan, Now Koo is back as the General secretary of the Central Y. while Hyon D.W. is the only secretary in the National Council of Y.'s―all these two by my support. Barnhart keeps the receipts and expenditure of the money from New York to the Council―all unrecorded to keep me in dark.

13. 11월 13일

13th. Wednesday. Bright. Mild.
Seoul home. Confined to room though a little better. Candler this morning told me that Mr. Sayeki(佐伯) , the all powerful Chief of the Provincial Police Bureau, asked him if Hugh Cynn had some money; that Cynn had shown a sign of changing his attitude or thought(思想轉向) ; that the Police Authorities are thinking about getting Cynn to join the Shi Joong Hoi―provided he has money etc. The subterranian Cynn must be making certain gestures through Jang Jik Sang etc. making believe that he would join the Shi Joong Hoi if the Police would help him in his Positive rogueries. Cynn the arch intriguer and the Police Chief are trying to fool each other. Who will get fooled remained to be be seen.

14. 11월 14일

14th. Thursday. Cloudy a.m. Mild.
Seoul home. Kim Dai Woo, the clever but dangerous Korean Secretary of the Privy Council started a rumor that Sayeki(佐伯) had received ¥20,000.00 in bribe from 朴 as compensation for removing Pak's name from the black-list in the Police Dept. and for getting teacher's licence for him. The Police Chief who used to regard Kim as his protege got so mad that the two avoided to meet in any private gatherings for the last four months. Candle says Sayeki volunteered this information to him the other day.
11 a.m. at the request of the Committee on Religious Faith in the Privy Council I gave a little talk on how and when and why I began believing in Christianity and what I owe to it. Contrary to what Won Duk Sang had told me to be my audience, I was surprized to find myself addressing almost the whole membership of the Council. Had lunch with the Councilors and returned home about 2.
6 p.m. went to 明月館 where a Korean supper was given by the Methodists to Bishop and Mrs. Moore and their party, eight in all, Drizzling rain from 6 on.

15. 11월 15일

15th. Friday. Rain early a.m. Pale sun 9.
Seoul home. According to the papers the Nanking Government has taken an open anti-Japanese attitude declaring that they would even risk a war. But how can China fight Japan? One of two thing may be true: (1) China finding that everlasting yielding doesn't satisfy the everlasting demand of Japan is driven to risk a fight to save her face. (2) Or she is just bluffing to see if Japan will loosen her grip a little. What a pitiful sight―a great giant prostrate before a Pigmy.

16. 11월 16일

16th. Saturday. Pale and cold.
Seoul home. Yesterday afternoon 1:45 train to Yun Hui for the formal opening of the Farmers' Institute(農民修養所) . Out of 70 or more applicants 17 were admitted―representing 12 provinces. This is the Fourth session of the Institute. So far the Institute has made a good record. This is perhaps the only good thing that Cynn has done for the Y. in 15 years.
On our way back to the city in Barnhart's car we, Koo J. O.Helen K.Barnhart, and I went to the dormitory to see the girls make "kimchi". Was told that they had to use 7,500 heads of cabbage, 100 "kamani" of turnips and 160 "toks".

17. 11월 17일

17th. Sunday. Pale sun. Cold.
Seoul home. 7:25 to the Station to welcome our Grace back from her Concert tour. Was surprised and disappointed that not a single solitary representative of the Ewha College faculty was seen to meet the homecoming girls. Now, remember this tour was an official enterprize of the College for its propaganda and or its profit. The girls have made clear ¥500.00 for the College. Yet not a member of the faculty to meet them either at the Shin Chon Station nor at the Seoul Station. Here is the difference between a Japanese managed school and an American controled institution. Miss Helen Kim as the Vice―Principal should have been out at the Station.

18. 11월 18일

18th. Monday. Pretty. Mild.
Seoul home. Leaving Seoul a little before 9 a.m. Dr. Oh K.S. Mr. Kwon Joong Sik, the chief of the Municipal Social Bureau and I, went to An Yang to see the property which the Seoul orphanage had recently bought. A big piece of land 63,000 tsubo containing rice fields, dryfields, chestnut orchard, running stream, hills covered with pines trees. 50 sen per tsubo. We hope to sell the present site of the Seoul Orphanage at a good price and remove the institution to An Yang. Dr. Oh K.S. is the principal actor in these plans. Returned to Seoul about 12.
3 p.m. Dr. Ryang's tea party at Chosen Hotel in honor of Bishop Moore and his party. A large crowd.

19. 11월 19일

19th. Tuesday. Lovely. Mild.
Seoul home. 3 p.m. went to the Station to bid good bye to Bishop and Mrs. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Quillian, and Miss Mckinnon. Both the Bishop and Miss McK. are coming back to Korea sometime next month.
6~9 p.m. a farewell supper at Myong Wol Kwan in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Avison who are going to leave Korea for good. A big crowd(230) representing all professions. In bidding him good bye we lose two personalities: viz a public benefactor and a personal friend. As a benefactor he leaves certain memorials which any man may be proud of. There is a bronze statue erected by his friends on the Severance Compound. Better still he leaves two sons engaged in missionary work. Greater than these he has founded three institutions, the Severance Med. College and the Hospital and the C.C.C. to perpetuate his memory. But the best memorial is the hundreds of graduates from these institutions.

20. 11월 20일

20th. Wednesday. Pretty. Cold.
Seoul home. (Avison continued) But his departure creates a void in our hearts that none of these memorials can fill. All I could say was God be with you till we meet again! Where and when God alone knows. If not in flesh in this world then till we meet again at Jesus' feet.
Dr. Oh K.S. tells me that Dr. and, especially Mrs. Avison don't want to leave Korea. But younger missionaries want him go because he is in their way with his conservatism etc. We Orientals would certainly like to keep such old men as our counselors.

21. 11월 21일

21st. Thursday. Bright. Breezy. Cold.
Seoul home. 7:30 a.m. went to the Itai-Won Public Cemetery where the mother of my present wife was buried about 9 years ago. The Seoul Municipal authorities having decided to turn this magnificent tract of land into resident sites. Wife and her sister have agreed to cremate the remains of their mother, today. For the first time I have seen, the remains of a corpse nearly 10 years in a tight coffin buried about 5 feet under the damp and dank ground. The sight was rather repulsive. Cremation is the cleanest way of disposing of a dead body.
This burial ground overlooking the Han River will be fine residential section of the city when all properly planned and fixed.
6 p.m. to Ewha College. English Declamation Contest. Grace played piano solo.

22. 11월 22일

22nd. Friday. Pale. Mild.
Seoul home. According to the local papers, the Japanese militarists stationed in North china are fully prepared to detach the Provinces north of the Yellow River setting up an independent political organization of some kind, of course under the protection of Japan. The great and rich cities of Peking and Tientsin will naturally become the centres of political, diplomatic and commercial activities of the new Japanized regime. And who can stop it? There are five great European and one American Ambassies in Peking. From them count out Italy and Germany who are watching Japan just to imitate her. France is saving every ounce of her strength against the day of tussle with Germany. Russia isn't ready to risk a war with Japan single handed. England has great interests in China but she is too much entangled in the Italo-Ethiopian conflicts to think of offending Japan. Then America! Well, she may make some oratorical announcements-about open-door policy and the preservation of the integrity of China etc. but nobody will pay any attention to the too often quixotic protests of Uncle Sam. China has no might therefor Japan has every right to take North China.

23. 11월 23일

23rd. Saturday. Pale. Mild.
Seoul home.

24. 11월 24일

24th. Sunday. Pale sun. Mild. Drizzle 8 p.m.
Seoul home. Morning worship at the Jong Kyo Church. Dr. Kim Yung Hui preached on Pilate or Christ.
The Seventh day Adventists believe that when a man dies he is dead. He will sleep in his grave thousands of years until the Second Coming of Christ. All this is supported according to the Adventists by quotations from Daniel, Job, Isaia, Revelation etc. Hence one must believe in the infallibility of the Bible from cover to cover. Dr. Fosdick and most of us believe, if believe at all, that immortality begins where and when this life ends.

25. 11월 25일

25th. Monday. Cloudy.
Seoul home. 6 p.m. to Tai Suh Kwan Restaurant where I entertained about 30 old Anglo Korean boys and Song Do H.C. School graduates who are in various walks of life in Seoul to a "sukiyaki" supper. Whang Jai Kyong who has extraordinary talents for Korean music and songs and who has wonderful power for mimicking the peculiarities in the speech and gesture of others, kept us laughing for an hour. He is a graduate from the Song Do H.C. School.

26. 11월 26일

26th. Tuesday. Pale sun. Pleasant.
Seoul home. 1~5 p.m. to the Public Hall where about 130 Japanese and Koreans had been invited by the Governor of Kyong Ki Province for the inauguration of an Ex-convict Radicals Relief Society. Of the 114 members of the new organization, 74 are Japanese while 40 are Koreans. Each one was summoned to the Provincial Police Bureau and was politely asked by the Chief of the Higher Detective Section to join the society and of course nobody dared to say "No". The purpose or object of the organization is all right, but why recruit its members through the higher Detective Section by summoning some of the leading citizens of the city?
Well as the plans for the society had all been cut and dried before they were presented to the "voluntary" and docile members, everything was shot through without hitch. Each member is to contribute no less than ¥500.00 or ¥1000.00. The society was christened the Sho-Do Kai(昭道會) .

27. 11월 27일

27th. Wednesday. Bright Mild.
Seoul home. 6 p.m. about 15 persons including Misses Helen Kim and Im Yung Shin gave a Korean supper to Mrs. Bang Yu Chan of Honolulu.
An autonomous regime for two northern provinces―Hopei and Chahar and two cities, Peking and Tientsin has become an accomplished fact now. What next?

28. 11월 28일

28th. Thursday. Pale sun. Pleasant.
Seoul home. In the Cabinet Meeting on the 26th, the Grand Old Man of Japan Mr. Takahashi, the Minister of Finance Dept. made a little speech to his colleagues warning the War Minister not to press too unreasonably his demand for more money for the Army. The salient points of the speech read as follows: Japan is deficient in natural resouces and weak in national wealth. Hence our budget must be made according to our national wealth. Economically Italy seems to be in a worse plight than we; but Italy has France to back her―Survey the whole world, where is the country that will back us? Japan is standing today alone and friendless. If we don't make our budget within the bounds of our national income, we shall have no reserve to fall back on in case of some unforeseen emergency. The condition of some portion of our people is really pitiable. Many social problems demand serious consideration on account of the yearly visitations of natural calamities. At present even news papers dare not say what they want to say in regard to the War Office. Men in financial circles dare not give tongue to their sense of uneasiness. If you press too unreasonably for more money for the Army budget, the War Office will become the target for popular resentment and complaints. There is no danger of America or Russia Challenging us to fight. We must stop unnecessarily provoking other nations.

29. 11월 29일

29th. Friday. Pale sun. Pleasant.
Seoul home

30. 11월 30일

30th. Saturday. Cloudy. Mild.
Seoul home. 5:30 p.m. with wife went to Mr. Hong Pyong Sun's home for supper. Dr. Ryang and his wife, Messrs. Yu Hyong Ki, Byon and their wives present besides Dr. Kim Yung Hui. Returned home about 8 thoroughly tired. Rain from 9 on.
North China! An Englishman asked a Japanese military official in Peking, how far North China extended. "Why, the North China Daily News is published in Shanghai", was the prompt answer.
This morning I had the honor of being summoned by the Head of the Higher Detective Section of the Chong No Police Office to be told not to have any public reception for Ahn Chang Ho when he comes to Seoul.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1935년) ◈
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