徃訪總督, 立花, 山縣五十雄, 阿部, 宇佐美關屋, 此日留刺, 總督官舍應接室 暫待時에 逢見國友警視, 伊先, 宣暄, 國分亦在座相見, 今朝八點半列車로 溫陽姑母主乃還駕하시다.
溫陽姑母今番上京面話妥定하기는 道谷新山直을 厚給할事며 舊山直顧護할 事 祭器를 輸送于新山 直家할 事, 金萬千圓을 드리다. 貳百圓을 加請하시되 不應하다.
八點半列車로 發京城, 天安停車場에서 人力車로 直徃溫陽山所省墓, 午後三時頃에 徃謁姑母主安寧하시고 道谷舊山直의게 百圓만 주라고 分付, 夜宿咸悅家.
朝飯後에 發向溫泉 即入于華泉旅館, 舊溫泉을 分爲四浴場. 特等二十錢, 一等十錢, 混湯二錢, 比前精潔하되 但鮮人來浴多粗汚者可耻.
早浴甚淸. I wish I had such a bathing conveniences within a ten li from home. 看書, 與元友將器消日, 郡守來訪好口辯, 近日日暖如春訪見柳田, 木島, 學弘氏, 徃參日人歸人會于小學校 校室 今日始設云. I was asked to make a few remarks. The crowd very orderly and polite.
朝浴如昨, 看書, 公醫木島來訪, 移時長話하고 牙山灣堰畓開墾經營을 木島가 縷縷勸告하기로 唯唯聽之하다. 郡守來訪夕餐共喫하고 南祖源氏在席하기로 湯井面에 農事奬勵旗를 試用하기로 決定하다. 浮費半部分補給하기로 許諾하다.
早浴如昨, 看書, 與元友將器消日, 招見里長李聖三하고 書堂設立事를 勸告하고 一部分費用補助를 許諾하다. 現在溫泉鮮人戶數五十戶. 夜雨, 遠見安湳直, 即安中植氏伯氏也 I didn't like him very much. They say he is not very reliable.
早起入浴如昨, 細雨泥濘, 飯後尋訪柳田, 木島, 木付, 郡守, 告別. 午後溫泉日本婦人會婦人數三人來訪餞別. An agreeable surprise? 禮山來自動車損傷云. 三時雇人力車發程, 五時半到天安停車場, 六點四十分發九點半頃着, 歸覲安寧.
雨如春. Worshipped in 宗橋 Church. 丹羽來訪.
Called on 渡瀨牧師 and 藤岡牧師. Told them about the 溫泉里. Desire to start some religious institution. Missed 村上唯吉 靑年會月例會徃參 所謂會員多是中學館學生 動作頗無禮粗忽可惜.
新村里長元奎淵來訪, 自己逋欠條償給하기로 白都事處에 修信하야 使之調査하야 可助則助 하라하다.
Nodoavecfeum until next Sat. night F.R.
Wrote to Allen. Enjoyed the 音樂會 of 宗橋勞働班. The Korean 短簫笙篁合奏 was perfectly delightful.
鎭安作錢次로 李主事發徃全州, 午後二時頃雪. 漢陽敎會內에서 渡潞牧師의 奬勵會織組班卒業式에서 徃參하다. 趙重應, 此者豊永轉士의 勤儉上勸勉을 傍聽하다.
午後七點에 中央禮拜堂에 가서 讃頌隊新組織과 職員懇親會에 參席하고 數語 勤勉祝賀하다. In the evening, his wife and Mrs. Cable also present.
溫陽碑石刻手와 豫算契約하는데 工錢과 雜費合壹百拾圓에 定하다.
宗橋禮拜如前, 送顯英徃溫陽하야 碑石刻手의 宿泊을 準備하다.
開城好壽敦女塾留 어윈 孃에게 寫信. 溫陽碑石刻手發程.
Nodoavecfeum until next Sat.…F.R. The Y.M.C.A Budget Comm. met at B.T.B.S. Mr. Miller recommended the abolishment of the 中學科.
宗橋三日禮拜如前. Hong Jong Suk is a good, honest preacher.
But he is not yet mellow. I wish the preachers would deal more with daily practical topics like industry, thriftiness, cleanliness and other domestic virtues. Mrs. Noble and Mrs. visited us in the p.m.
Received a letter from 致旺. Ans. at once. Wrote Helen. Wrote to 郭在明. Attended the meeting of B. of Directors in Mr. Miller's office. Dr. Arison, Mr. Miller and I spoke for the discontinuance of 中學科 but 申, 宋, 陸, 李 against it. Committed for proposing something that may take the place of 中學科.
金麟氏來訪, 洪在賀氏遺族月助金壹圓을 給하다.
宗橋禮拜參拜如前, 午後二時徃見幼年主日禮拜.
巴樂湯來訪言申興雨請願辭退. Cynn seems to have decided to retire from the Y.M.C.A. B. of D. On the question of Middle-School 1st to win the popularity among K. and 2nd to avoid the more delicate task of voting on the question of electing Japanese adv. Comm. 祖父記念日 叔母와 第二從嫂와 安寧從弟來參.
Nodoavecfeum until next Sat. F.R.
The 將器 F.R. as the last one until next Sunday night. F.R. The Budget Comm. only 4 out of 7 members present. My recommendation accepted viz. to keep 中學科 on self-supporting basis.
咸悅來京三日不來訪. Did I buy a strange man with ¥580? Also Wadanabe the nothing who didn't send me even a card on new year day! No pleasing and portioners!
午後相訪娣叔父于趙膏藥家. 徃訪劉猛不遇, 徃訪丈母不遇, 三日禮拜如前. 前日白商官來訪回憶昔年重熙堂相逢事如夢如醉.
This p.m. Messrs. Cram and Wasson came and asked me if I could find out the possibility of floating a loan of ¥37,000 to be paid back in ten years. The same to be applied to the building the A.K.D.
午前徃見劉漢春氏問溫陽碑文小字畢寫與否, 歸路徃見全省吾于翠雲亭邊草堂, 談話移時全君稱纉渡運暢氏爲人信實恭儉不巳. 午後徃吊高永喜氏長逝. A fortunate Korean(八字 조흔 사람) Hon. Ko Yung Hui. 富貴多男子 was his portion. I knew him first in 1881 when the 12 Korean officials went to Japan. 晩飯時咸兌來訪言明日歸鄕.
咸悅便에 送碑文于刻手. 午後四時半劉猛來訪, 村上唯吉來訪, 以副業奬勵會事, 談話移時而去.
At home―率鳯成徃訪雲養丈 He told us that this is the warmest winter he has seen or heard of, in his 83 years. 松蔘貳斤을 情表로 仰呈하다.
At home. 年前 總會所長으로 계실 時에 馬山浦居 朴祐永이가 國債報償捐金을 推去次로 呈訴하야 明治四十三年十二月十日에 該人錢一千七百餘圓을 出給하라는 判決書가 있었으나 同年十二月十四日에 總會所保管金四萬餘圓을 總監部에서 取上하야 朴哥가 不行推去之意로 成標以去러니 到今하야 朴哥의 子가 該判決書를 가지고 執行을 實行코저 한다 하더라. 幾年以來 처음 省率하고 生日을 치르니 天父의 恩澤을 感謝. 宗橋禮拜如前.
Concerning 朴祐永 國債報償條中執行約文事하야 徃訪劉文煥하였더니 辯護士李宗夏가 該事를 受理云故로 徃見李氏事務하고 該國債報償錢四萬餘圓을 已爲上納于 總監部하야 領受證과 朴祐永이 不行推去云云의 手標있는 則 先親名下로 債務不當함을 說明하고 仍徃訪鍾路警察署長하고 前後事由를 說明한 則 署長云曰此事는 總監部에서 該金額을 取上時에 該判決書는 撤收아니함이 踈忽하였으니 自己가 善爲措處하마 하기로 各領證書類를 署長께 任置而歸하다. P.M. 4에 聖書公會에서 去年預算委員의 會計고, 吳兢善氏動議로 今年間中學科를 申興雨提議대로 仍置하기로 決定而散하다. 自都事文熙周細音事로 上來. Received letter from Allen, Helen.