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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1935년) ◈
◇ 2월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 2권 다음
목   차

1. 2월 1일

1st. Friday. Bright. Chilly.
Seoul home. To the dentist's office with wife 10:30~12. Afternoon 2 went to the Inter Middle School Skating Contest staged on the Hankang ice.

2. 2월 2일

2nd. Saturday. Bright―Mild.
Seoul home.
(Conversation with Cynn on the 31st, January continued.)
"You have also made enemies by your manner of aloofness. You are accused of being too proud. Do try to make your-self more agreeable to others".
Cynn said he thanked me for my plain talk. He said the Juk-Kuk Dan has never been organized. It has no membership. It has no local habitation. I was sorry to hear that because Cynn seemed to believe that his wonderful, smooth, talking could make any story true. If he is right, then the Band is all the more detestable because it is a secret society which works in the dark. To have introduced such a dangerous machinery into the Korean church politics is nothing short of a crime.
2 p.m. the Women's Athletic Association of which Miss Helen Kim is the president held the first Women's Skating Contest on the Hankang ice―shall I say rink? The ice was thawing on the surface so that the skating condition was exceedingly bad.
In the Inter Middle School tournament, new records were made in all the items".

3. 2월 3일

3rd. Sunday. Snow in the morning. Sun p.m.
Seoul home. Mr. Han Chin Chang(韓鎭昌) passed away last night. A perfect Korean gentleman is gone. 4 p.m. attended the farewell honors(or ceremonies) paid to the remains of Mr. Ji Suk Yung. Five old friends have left me inside of a month!

4. 2월 4일

4th. Monday. Sunny―Mild.
Seoul home. This is the First Day of the First Moon of the Old Calendar. This morning there was a thin layer of snow on the ground but it soon melted away.
Remarkable that this year the number of people who made the Old Calendar "Sei-bai" or new year call on me is at least five times larger than it was last year that is the Old Calendar observers grow more pronounced than ever before in spite of the fact that many are making honest efforts to do away with the Old Calendar. Mr. Pak Sung Bin and a few members of his Kye Myong Club keep the New Calendar thoroughly. But as long as 9/10 of the paying jobs in the Central and local governments of Korea are given to the Japanese, the Korean population will look on the New Calendar Year as the Japanese new year. Besides, it is the old people―from say 40 upward―who keep up the Old Calendar customs and traditions fresh in old fashioned homes.

5. 2월 5일

5th. Tuesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. Mr. Hong Pyong Sun tells me he has definitely declared to Cynn that he wouldn't fight for him(Cynn) in the pending conflict between the Juk-Kuk-Dan and the anti-Juk-Kuk managers.

6. 2월 6일

6th. Wednesday. Bright. Bitterly cold.
Seoul home. From 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. the General Board(總理院) of the Korean Methodist Church met at the Women's Seminary. Lunch served in the school dining room―Dr. Ryang treating the members.
Dr. Ryang has made everything ready―reports, statements etc.―so thoroughly and thoughtfully that the heads of different boards or "kook(局) " had nothing to do but to read the reports all prepared by Ryang. It is nothing short of a crime to try to oust such an efficient man from the General Superintendency. Just think what a mess of ill feeling of intrigues and of inefficiency Cynn would have made of the Church affairs, had he succeeded in his plot of making himself the boss of the Church in the last Genl. Conference.

7. 2월 7일

7th. Thursday. Bright. Very cold.
Seoul home. 9:30 a.m. to 12. The General Board met at the Women's Seminary. Returned home a bit unwell―the weather being chilly.
6 p.m. went to the bi-monthly meeting of the Fellowship League held at the Gray House. Over 60 persons present. A good supper served. I gave a little talk on the political disturbances of 1884. Whang Jai kyong gave an enjoyable specimens of Korean songs. Home nearly 10.

8. 2월 8일

8th. Friday. Bright.
Seoul home. With our Grace and 珽善 and 善姬, I went to the river to give the girls a chance for skating before the ice melts. The recent snow thawing and freezing made the surface so rough that the girls didn't have a smooth skating. But we all enjoyed the outing.

9. 2월 9일

9th. Saturday. Cloudy. Chilly.
Seoul home. Went to the station to see our Jang-Suni go rabbit hunting trip with the whole school 900 strong in a special train of 10 cars at 8 a.m.
With wife and Lambuth took lunch at the Mitsukoshi Restaurant.
4~9 p.m. attended the conference which Mr. Watanabe, the Director of Educational Bureau called to meet in the Social room of the Chosen Hotel. Ten Christian leaders of whom 5 were Japanese and 5 Koreans were present. The Director squarely denied the truth. The newspaper rumor that the Governor General intends to make Buddism the "state" religion of Korea.

10. 2월 10일

10th. Sunday. Pretty. Mild.
Seoul home. Worshipped at the Jong Kyo Church.
Last night, Mr. Niwa asked the Director of the Educational Bureau to take proper measures to stop the discriminating treatment in offices against Christians and the unkind criticism which some teachers in public schools indulge in against Christianity before their pupils some of whom are from Christian homes. Mr. Kasai suggested that the leading officials of the government should believe in some kind of religion. Pastor Ham Tai Yung asked that permission be given to the Christian pastors to talk to the prisoners. Dr. Ryang told the Director that Christianity in Korea desires indirect encouragement and not any direct official favors.

11. 2월 11일

11th. Monday. Bright―Chilly.
Seoul home. 12 morning attended the mass meeting on the Seoul Shrine Square celebrating the anniversary of the Founding of the Dynasty of Japan.

12. 2월 12일

12th. Tuesday. Bright. Cold.
Seoul home. At 9 Mr. Kim Jung Sik came to see me and talked and talked until 1 p.m. The burden of his long talk is that Cynn, having made the Central Y. the centre of Juk-Kuk-Dan, has no right to be the General Secretary of the National Council. About 50 men mostly pastors and members of Methodist and Presbyterian Church are planning to have a meeting on the 16th inst. for the purpose of exposing the dirty tricks of Juk-Kuk-Dan and of asking the Directors of the National Council to dismiss Cynn. Mr. Kim loves Koo Ja Ok and Hyon Dong Wan hence he is bitter against Cynn who drove them out of the Central Y. by his slimy and crooked way. Mr. Kim was the man who asked Mr. Hyon Hung Taik, the uncle of Hyon D.W. to sell the valuable piece of land founding the frontage of the site on which the Central Y. building now stands. Mr. Hyon H.T. instead of selling the valuable property which was worth ¥5,000.00 then(now no less than ¥100,00000.) generously denated it to Mr. Morgan the then U.S. Minister who gave him ¥5,000.00 in cash.

13. 2월 13일

13th. Wednesday. Pretty―Mild.
Seoul home. About 4 this afternoon I told Mr. Barnhart that, in my humble opinion, Dr. Cynn might do one of three things. 1st: He might win back his alienated friends(兪, 吳, 梁) by telling them squarely that he would from now on wash his hands of the Juk-Kuk-Dan and follow their plans and policies in Y. affairs. 2nd: He might observe a strict neutrality by telling his followers that he would no longer lend his influence or co-operation to carrying out any Juk-Kuk-dan principles or tactics in Y. or Church politics. 3rd: He might fight his opponents to the finish. Barnhart came to see me about 8 p.m. and said that he had repeated my points to Cynn who authorized him to promise that he would have no more to do with Juk-Kuk-Dan on the condition that we assure him that we wouldn't elect(Koo) for the General Secretaty of Central Y. I told Barnhart that I would to arrange a meeting for Cynn with 兪, 吳, 梁 that he could have a face to face talk with.

14. 2월 14일

14th. Thursday. Cloudy. Mild.
Seoul home. This morning I had a talk with 愈 and 吳 reporting to them what Cynn proposed last night through Barnhart. Both of them said they wouldn't care to come to any compromise with Cynn as what he says isn't worth believing. He must prove what he promises by acts and not by words. No interview necessary until after the Central Y. Annual Meeting. I think these two men are right as nobody can trust what Cynn says.

15. 2월 15일

15th. Friday. Beautiful p.m.
Seoul home. To the C.C.C. to attend the Annual Meeting of the Field Board of Managers held from 9:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch at Dr. Underwoods―Returned home about 5. Our baby 珽善 went with me today for the sake of riding the cars.
The little fellow behaved himself nicely while the long meeting was going on.
7:30 p.m. the Board of Directors of the Central Y. met in the Social Room. The most important item in the agenda was the election of the new General Secretary. The Juk-Kuk-Dan men objected to electing one on the ground there was no provision for his salary in the Budget. But finally Koo Ja Ok was elected 6 to 5, eleven men voting. G.L. Paik(白樂僔) got 5.

16. 2월 16일

16th. Saturday. Pretty.
Seoul home. 10 a.m. attended the funeral services of Jung Sung Chai's father in the Sung Dong Presbyterian Church.
3 p.m. the nominating Committee met in the Y. and asked me to be present. Pastor Pak Yong Hui proposed to renominate the retiring members as Dr. Ryang had insised the other day.
After some talk pro and con Pak's proposition was carried. That much was a concession on the part of juk-Kuk Dan.
This evening 5:30 about 50 church people, Presbyterians and Methodists are to meet at Kum Hak Won to discuss the means and ways of opposing the Juk-Kuk-Dan. Now Cynn is responsible for having introduced an element of disruption into the Church.

17. 2월 17일

17th. Sunday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. 12 to 1:30 p.m. to a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Kun Wha Industrial Institute(槿花實業學院) . Miss Kim Melissa succeeded in getting a permit to change the old Kun Wha Girls' School into an Industrial Institute, but where and how will she get money enough to carry on the new plant? She has to have ¥20,00000 to pay for the land on which the present school building stands and the play ground in front of the building. She is a remarkable woman―inspite of her lack of education. She has a good supply of native common sense and shrewdness. Barnhart tells me Cynn wants to hold a public meeting on Tuesday to deny the changes of his enemies.

18. 2월 18일

18th. Monday. pretty. Mild.
Seoul home. Went to Central Y. 9:30 a.m. to introduce Koo Ja Ok formally to the members of the staff as the new General Secretary.
In a chat I adviced Dr. Cynn (1) not to hold any public meeting to deny the accusations of the Yu Ji Hoi(有志會) ; (2) to announce in a paper like Dong-A-Il-Po, the dissolution of Juk-Kuk-Dan or, at least, his dissociation from it; (3) to convince his old friends that he is now prepared to back Koo in his work to the length(extreme) of calling back Hyon Dong Wan to co-operate with Koo. Cynn seemed to take my advice kindly and promised to act accordingly.
This morning Cynn signified his intention to resign. I told him I didn't think it necessary especially as Dr. Mott is to be here soon.

19. 2월 19일

19th. Tuesday. Pretty.
Seoul home. Cynn had an interview with Kim Jung Sik this noon and begged him to use his good offices in keeping the anti-Juk-Kuk people from taking any extreme measures against him. Cynn promised he would publish a statement in the Christian Messenger announcing the dissolution of the Juk-Kuk-Dan and that he had already signified his intention to the Chairman of the National Council―me―of resignation of his General Secretaryship of the Council. At the request of Mr. Kim I had to call on the Executive Committee of the anti-Juk-Kuk party to ask them not to send out their statement as Cynn had promised two things. The Committee insisted that Cynn should give the promise in writing which Cynn wouldn't So ended the negotiation.

20. 2월 20일

20th. Wednesday. Beautiful―Chilly.
Seoul home. Went to the Jung dong Methodist Church to attend the funeral service held there in honor of Mrs. Whang Esther's mother. The service was held in a cold room with a handful of people―the service itself was long, winded and cold.
At 2:30 wife and I took our baby 珽善 to the Jai-Dong Primary School to be enrolled as an applicant for admission. We would certainly have put him in the Normal Primary School where our 璋善 and 琦善 graduated. But that school is to be removed to Hoon-Ryon-Won―Where the seoul Normal School stands. That would mean the little fellow will have to go to and from the school everyday, rain of shine, by the tram car. So we have decided to send him to Jai-Dong Primary School.

21. 2월 21일

21st. Thursday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. The Annual Meeting of the Central Y. began its session in the Large Auditorium from 7:30 p.m. An unprecedented large attendance. The voting membership alone numbering 139. A stormy scene expected between the Cynnites and anti-Cynnites. But the latter was strong in number that the worst of the Cynnites dared not utter a word. The result of the balloting was that all four of the retiring managers, 兪, 吳, 金, 尹, were re-elected by clear majority while none of the known Cynnites was elected. The meeting was closed peaceably about 9:30. Like a dream.

22. 2월 22일

22nd. Friday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. This morning Cynn sent me a written resignation of the General Secretaryship of the National Council of Korean Y.M.C.A.'s dated the 16th February. In a separate note he asked that the resignation should be accepted before the end of this month. This note was dated the 22nd Feb. I supposed he did this just to disarm the anti-Juk-Kuk party who are clamoring for his immediate resignation.
About 6 p.m. called on Cynn at his home―to talk over his resignation. The result of our conversation was this I am to say to the anti-Juk-Kuk men that Cynn has given me a written resignation; that on the morning of 22nd February. Cynn handed over his official business to Mr. Barnhart. I am further to call the meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Council to discuss the Tokyo Korean Y.M.C.A. affairs and to decide what to do with Cynn's resignation. If a meeting of the managers of the Council has to be convened we had better wait until Dr. Mott's meeting when all the managers will be present thus avoiding paying twice the traveling expenses of the managers living outside of Seoul.
Now that Cynn is down and out, at least for the time being, harassed on all sides by his enemies, I feel sorry for him and I want to help him. I may be a fool but I am too old to be vindictive.

23. 2월 23일

23rd. Saturday. Beautiful.
Left Seoul per 8 a.m. train for Paik Chun Hot Springs with wife Suhmo, 珽善 and 瑛姬. Arrived at the Springs 11. Registered at the Chun Il Kak.

24. 2월 24일

24th. Sunday. Beautiful.
Paik Chun Springs. Enjoyed the refreshing bath. Had to leave the Springs per 3:17 train connecting with the Seoul rain at To-Sung 4:22 p.m. Got to Seoul home about 6:30.
A little sprinkling of rain early this evening.
The Seoul papers report that the entrance examination of the Seoul Normal School which was started yesterday had 6,024 graduates of elementary schools both Japanese and Korean sitting for examination. Of this vast number only 100 will be admitted!

25. 2월 25일

25th. Monday. Pretty.
Seoul home. Attended the funeral service of Hong Soon Jung(洪淳正) , the young man who had been our boys' tutor for the last 18 months. He was a good and promising young man, a student in the preparatory department of the Seoul Imperial University. The last time he was here was on the night of the 15th. This sudden death is indeed a shock to me.

26. 2월 26일

26th. Tuesday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. In 1922 or thereabout, Hyon Dong Wan, 21 years old then, sold a rice field for ¥2,00000 to be used as traveling expenses to America. When Hugh Cynn heard of it, he asked Hyon to bring the money to him to be given to the Central Y. as Hyon's donation. "What am I to do with traveling expenses?" demurred the unsophiscated boy. "That's all right", said Cynn. "You donated the money to Y. then you get our thanks. Then we will give you back the money for your traveling expenses for which you will thank us"! So did Hyon and got a letter of thanks from Frank B. Hyon's family expected to received a part of his salary every month during his absence as others did under similar circumstances. But Cynn didn't give a "sen"―simply because he had already given ¥2,00000 to Hyon for his traveling expenses! Can anything beat that in sheer meanness?
2 p.m. went to the Provincial Government Building to attend the inaugural meeting of an anti-narcotic association.

27. 2월 27일

27th. Wednesday. Pretty.
Seoul home. Hyon tells me that Kim Tai Won, the aide-decamp of Cynn, the commander of Juk-Kuk-Band, is propagating the gossip that Helen Kim has conceived a child, already 4 months old, by her illicit intercourse with Yu Ok Kyum!
4:30 a memorial service in honor of Yu Sung Joon was held in the Y. auditorium. A large crowd of friends attended the service.

28. 2월 28일

28th. Thursday. Cloud and sun.
Left Seoul with 明燮 per 7:45 a.m. train for On Yang. As soon as we arrived there a little past 11, we hired an auto at ¥2.50 for the trip to and from On Yang Up-nai. Paid our respect to father's grave and returned to the Springs. After having a good bath we had plenty of time to catch the train leaving On Yang 2:25 to be connected with a Seoul train at Chunan at 3:07. had sunshine on the car both ways but when we got to Seoul we learned that it rained in Seoul most of the morning.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1935년) ◈
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